Ok So I Found A Horrible Leech


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
Ok so this is the first major problem ive had with my tank. I found a horrible little leech in my tank which probably came in on a plant i bought recently. It was on the bottom of a rock which i removed to clean. My setup is: 100 liter planted tank with a fluval 2 filter, 5 cardinal tetras, 3 endlers guppies, 2 balloon mollies, 1 german blue ram,1 neon gourami, a bamboo shrimp and a gibbiceps plec. They all look unaffected so far.

Can i get rid of the leeches (if there are any more) manually, like a trap or something? Ive heard you can use meds for getting rid of snails but it will kill my shrimp.

please help me, i dont want any of these nasty things latching on to my fishies!


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chances are that is the only one but remove it anyway so it doesn't produce anymore. Just pick them out as you see them. You can use a jar or icecream bucket to scoop them out with but quite often they hang onto plants and rocks and you can lift them out and put it on the garden to kill it.
is there anything they are attracted to apart from my fish? you know, like putting veg down for snails until they crawl all over it.

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