Ok People, Venezia 190 Or Roma 240.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
As title says really. I've narrowed my new tank down to these two, but I'm stuck now.

Each has pros and cons to me, for example:

190 - Looks great, will fit ideally in my dining room, T5 lighting, no filter piping over back of tank, greater 'depth' throughout the tank, i.e. front to back, rather than lengthways. BUT - That filter system seems to scare me somewhat (Anyone with this tank fancy filling in on exactly how it fits together, leakage chances etc?), and it has less volume and bottom surface area, if my Math is correct.

240 - Cheaper, more volume, larger surface area, easier to clean. BUT - Standard lighting, and over-the-back filter (I don't plan to have backing on, which would make the pipes visible).

Does anyone have any examples of better reasons why I should go for either, or is it entirely down to personal taste on my part now?

Sorry if this seems like a bit of a waste of a thread but I keep changing my mind over this.

P.S. - I intend to be growing plants, so the T5 lighting swing me towards the 190, but even then...

Sorry if this has just been a waste of time, but thanks anyway!
Dimensions: 98cm L x 70cm W x 130cm H for the 190. (That's 70cm back corner to front, 98 cm between each far corner) and 120cm long x 40cm wide x 50cm high for the 240.

I have at least these fish for sure thus far:

2 Clown Loaches,
2 Gold Gouramis,
2 Pearl Gouramis,
1 Clown Plec,
1 Common Plec.
1 Hoplosternum Catfish.
6 Black Neon Tetra.

Or was that more of a 'take into consideration...' statement?
no, i was asking. i think you'd be fine with either. the 190 has more bottom surface area for your bottomdwellers, but the 240 will give your fish more swimming room. I always say go for the bigger one, but the biggest factors are personal taste and how stocked you want it to be.
Aha, I also have thre Julii Cory as well, and I'm looking for some Garra to go with the current stock. I think the 190 might be the way to go, as either way the volume is still twice what it is at the moment at least, but the greater back-front depth seems to add more interest to me. I'll hang fire and see if anything comes back about that filter system yet though, I really don't fancy any problems with that thing through the base.
heyy iv worked in a few aquatics shops and we#ve had the vicenzasse up as wet display and iv never heard of one problem reguarding leaks or what. they are very easilly put together and very secure. but you do also get caps for the holes so you can have them pluged up and have pipes over the back if you wanted.
but like i sa there is no problem with them and it does make the tank look nicer not havin the pipes and wires everywhere.

Sounds good, had no idea they could be blocked up instead, thanks.

Anyone else with any experiences with the Venezias fancy adding their two pence?


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