Hi Chris and Marie
Awww, your pair look exactly like my George and Mildred. Gorgeous fishies! And forget all those rumours about them being infertile - my pair mate and spawn every couple of weeks and produce fry all the time. Yes, they eat them after a few days usually - but I've been lucky for once and they allowed about 12 of them to survive from the last batch and they are about a month old now.
Anyway, back to your query. If she is no longer orange, I suspect she HAS laid eggs in that ship. Is your tank on a stand that you can look from underneath? Mine is and I normally stick my head underneath and look up at the bottom of the tank where they have cleared the gravel down to the glass. There you can usually see pinhead sized little white dots. Sometimes they attach them to the inside of an ornament - very difficult to see if it's a light coloured object.
If the male has been unable to fertilise them then they obviously don't hatch out (e.g. if the female has laid them and stuck them in an awkward place (she often lays them then transports them to a safer site and they can end up being in a vertical position inside an object!)). In this case she very quickly begins spawning again and they go through the mating rituals as before.
Anyway, even when the fry hatch it can be extremely difficult to spot them as they will be well guarded not allowed to venture away from the nest. They look like eeny-weenie tadpoles, but transparent-ish. If any happen to stray a few cms from the next, one of the parents will suck it into their mouths and then spit it back out into the nest.
Oh - and the male will become ultra-protective and aggressive during this time - so any hands or objects put into the tank will promptly be head-butted! Frightened the life out of me first time George did that to me LOL - I splashed water everywhere in my haste to pull my hand away!
After a few days the parents take the fry on daily outings around the tank! Amazing to watch as dad goes ahead and prepares another nest (digging into gravel etc) then mum slowly guides her fry along with her to the new site. They remain there for a while, then move along. Then finally they end up where they started off!
Ok I've rambled enough I think - if you need to know any more let me know. PM me if you like!
Regards - Athena