Ok, I Think I'm Set


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Alright, so this is the list of stuff I need for breeding bettas:
2 Conditioning tanks
1 Spawning Tank (The spawning tank will be the male's conditioning tank)
Half a styrophome cup
Indian Almost Leaf (yup, the HarMar Petstores sells em)
50 Gallon Grow out tank
2 Heaters (I can replace the heater in the female's tank into the growout tank)
BBS eggs
Micro worms
Blood worms
Black worms
Brine Shrimp
Jars (to house the males in)
Sponge Filter
Night Light (For spawning tank)

Now, am I forgeting anything? Should I get a light for the growout tank? Thanks!
I don't use lights on my grow outs, but hanging around with a flashlight to see them is tiresome,too. So, you might want to invest in one for yourself, but it's no rush.
Indian Almost Leaf (yup, the HarMar Petstores sells em)
Yeah, I saw those!
They come in this little baggy thing and are about $4 each, right? I knew someone on here was talking about it, but I didn't know if I wanted it, so I didn't get it.
What does it do?
And why do you need a 50G tank?
For the grow out tank. You never know how many fry you will get you can just get a couple but then with another spawn you can get 500 fry! :S
Indian Almost Leaf (yup, the HarMar Petstores sells em)
Yeah, I saw those!
They come in this little baggy thing and are about $4 each, right? I knew someone on here was talking about it, but I didn't know if I wanted it, so I didn't get it.
What does it do?
And why do you need a 50G tank?
No Ethos, it's $1.69
I didn't really look at it, what is it?
Why would you pay $2 for a leaf?
Its ediable, right?
If you planning to feed them BBS I think you may need to add some aquarium salt, two large (1-1.5L) PET cola bottles and a desk lamp to your list of tools.

How big is your conditioning/spawning tank?
For the grow out tank. You never know how many fry you will get you can just get a couple but then with another spawn you can get 500 fry! :S
But remember, there have been stories of gettitng just 5 fry, which would be a real bummer after you spent all that money on the tank...

OA, you should get it 2nd hand. I've never seen anything even notable in our local papers, but I haven't looked for tanks locally online.
You should do that..
For the grow out tank. You never know how many fry you will get you can just get a couple but then with another spawn you can get 500 fry! :S
But remember, there have been stories of gettitng just 5 fry, which would be a real bummer after you spent all that money on the tank...

What happens if the spawn is 200 fry though? Not being prepared is irresponsible. Instead of a 50G grow out you could go with 2 or 3 20G's. They may be easier to come across for cheap used. I see them in my local buy and sell for $50-$100 quite often, usually with a heater, filter and hood.
I opted to got with multiple smaller growouts (24"x12"x12 15G tanks)... figured no point having them all in one tank in case someone got sick.

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