A Shrine To Madness
Alright, so this is the list of stuff I need for breeding bettas:
2 Conditioning tanks
1 Spawning Tank (The spawning tank will be the male's conditioning tank)
Half a styrophome cup
Indian Almost Leaf (yup, the HarMar Petstores sells em)
50 Gallon Grow out tank
2 Heaters (I can replace the heater in the female's tank into the growout tank)
BBS eggs
Micro worms
Blood worms
Black worms
Brine Shrimp
Jars (to house the males in)
Sponge Filter
Night Light (For spawning tank)
Now, am I forgeting anything? Should I get a light for the growout tank? Thanks!
2 Conditioning tanks
1 Spawning Tank (The spawning tank will be the male's conditioning tank)
Half a styrophome cup
Indian Almost Leaf (yup, the HarMar Petstores sells em)
50 Gallon Grow out tank
2 Heaters (I can replace the heater in the female's tank into the growout tank)
BBS eggs
Micro worms
Blood worms
Black worms
Brine Shrimp
Jars (to house the males in)
Sponge Filter
Night Light (For spawning tank)
Now, am I forgeting anything? Should I get a light for the growout tank? Thanks!