Ok, I have a new tank and....


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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:unsure: I just set up a 10 gallon tank (first tank in 9 years) and I have 2 catfish - pictus in it and a huge orange snail. At first the water balance was fine, I didn't add any fish for about 3 days. Then about 2 weeks after I had my 2 catfish the ammoina spiked real high off the scale!! The fish were swimming eratically and flipping around not knowing which end was up/down. I got the water back to a safe range now and one of the catfish is acting pretty beat up over it. It constantly swims upward instead of around the bottom of the tank.
I was wondering if anyone knows why my fish is acting like this?? also , I was thinking about getting an iredescent shark for my tank or maybe another pictus after, of course I get the hang of this fish keeping again -_-

Thanks, Maya
You're cycling which takes a month from start to finish, longer if you have fish in there and try to keep the levels down.

Pictus grow to 6" are a schooling fish and I think are borderline brackish. 50 gallon minimum for a group of 4. The Shark, definitely not for a 10 gallon and more like a 200gallon. You should take the Pictus back or give them away. There's no way they'll survive in a 10 gallon tank.
The ammonia spike can really effect your fish and make take a while for them to "heal" from it - some fish never fully recover... I'm hoping that your plans for these fish is a much larger home in the near future. Your fish store should have asked you what size tank before they sold them. There are really neat things to do with a ten gallon but those catfish isn't one of them.
All the same, I'm glad that you have joined and I hope we can help you with your new tank and fish...

Thanks for all the advice. I wasent told when I bought them and I have never had catfish before ( was in the mood for something different ) I do plan to move them to a bigger home in the future. I have read a bit about them myself and the size they grow when adult varies for 6 - 12 from what I have read. Also tempeture seems to vary also. Mine seem to be happy with the lower 70's . they def don't strike me as a scooling fish as these two have steaked out thier own ground in this tank.
I am wondering now, how long does it take for them to grow?? what is thier life span? thanks again every one for the help. I have fallen in love with my pictus and wouldnt want to be rid of them unless I had to.
P.S. I had an irredescent shark in the past ( like 12 yrs ago ) and it never got too big.....


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