Ok For 10g?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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is this ok for a ten gal?

1 male betta
3 corys
1 african dwarf frog
1 pleco that gets about 5 inches (prolly not this one, right?)

it has to be filtered and have a heater, right?
The plec will get way too big for a 10 gallon in my opinion. The rest should be ok if you add them slowly after you cycle the tank assuming the betta will tolerate tank mates.
If you want algae control you could replace the frog with a couple of ottocinculus.
The pleco will be too much for the tanks' filtration system. You may find that the frog finds it difficult to compete for food with the corys.
Alrighty thank you.

I'm not sure on the tank dimentions..it's actually my friend's mom's tank. It was gonna be a surprise for her. And I was gonna be the one taking care of it (for a little while, mainly till I can teach her how to)..so kinda needs to be a low maintence tank. She hasn't had fish before..well as far as I know..so needs to be a good beginers tank.

so I think this is what I'll do...

1 male betta
3 corys
2/3 ottos

Should I get 2 or 3 of the ottos?
do they like to be in groups?

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