oily, bubbly surface water


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Help I have a problem. I am new to this hobby & presently have a 25 & 10 gallon tank. I recently noticed that the surface of the water (of both tanks) has an oily film & bubbles which don't pop. The water condition is good & despite water changes & using paper towel on the surface to soak up the film, the problem continually returns. I recently started using StressCoat, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Any help would be appreciated!!
Just an idea, but it might be somthing to do with the food you use.

I had the same problem with an oily film on the water which I found was coming from the pellets that I was feeding to my Corydoras. The pellets contain fish oils and these were creating the film - I found that keeping the water moving through aeration broke up the film. The health of my fish never suffered.
Those are protein buildups. They are harmless, just unsightly. They usually occur when you don't have enough surface movement or inadequate filtration. What type of filter do you have? Sometimes adding an airstone with pump or using a powerhead will resolve it.
I have an AquaClear mini on my 10 gallon & a AquaClear 200 on my 25 gallon. I am feeding my fish Nutrafin Max. I did have a problem with the water quality in my 25 gallon, but after doing some daily water changes, the water was good again, but the film on the surface returned. I am confused because when the 25 gallon had high nitrites & nitrates, the 10 gallon was fine & they both had the same problem. I had 2 danios in the 10 gallon, but removed them a week ago...& still it continues. Could the change in water conditioner be a factor? I am also getting some brown algae in the 25 gallon. Thanks.
Hello- I have been having this same problem for ages! Its because the foods I feed are too High in Protein! They are as follows:
Shrimp Pellets
Blood worms or brine shrimp
Algae wafers
Sea Weed
Meat Tablets
:D - My fish are very well fed, and I am not overfeeding!(they eat every last bit)

But anyways- even though I have the biggest Penguin w/bio-wheel that is available even though it it only a 30 gallon, and I use a bubble wand, I still get the protein build-up. It wont hurt anything though, just kinda looks nasty :sick:

What I do though is just take one of my nets and run it across the top everyday. Seems to help!
Thanks Punkfish and crazie.eddie
This answers the question I was going to post about my 10 gallon cory tank. I've got several air pumps sitting on a shelf, so I'll get myself a bubble wand today and see if it helps. :thumbs:
Thanks for all your help. I put an aeration stone in my tank & it seems to be helping. There appears to be less film on the surface. Should I think about changing the food as well? I am feeding Nutrafin Max right now. :D
If the fish like it, then no need to. You can probably just decrease the amount of food you give.

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