Oil Catfish?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida

I saw this while looking around the internet and have never seen it before. Has anyone seen one of these for sale or know anything about them?

Oil Catfish

Oil Catfish Tatia perugiae is one of the most striking of the “Driftwood Cats.” Named because of their penchant for hiding under pieces of driftwood waiting for prey to stalk, this little guy will be much less harmful than many predator Catfish with its maximum size being around 3 inches. This fish is beautiful, for a catfish, with a yellow/green body with numerous black dots on its body. This little fish inhabits the swift-moving waters of the Upper Amazon River, including Ecuador. A varied diet of Bloodworms, Tubifex Worms, and sinking pellet foods fed just prior to lights-out will help the Oil Cat retain its best health.
I own 4, great little things. Have a habit of getting into somewhat of a frenzy at feeding time, just like their larger cousins I own, Tatia galaxia.

Originally was kept in a tank with a betta, they now share the community tank with guppies, neons, a betta some cories and some fan shrimp. Ours seem to have stopped growing at around the 1" mark.

They seem to prefer to sit under wood during the day (or until food appears) rather than plants or rocks.
I own 4, great little things. Have a habit of getting into somewhat of a frenzy at feeding time, just like their larger cousins I own, Tatia galaxia.

Originally was kept in a tank with a betta, they now share the community tank with guppies, neons, a betta some cories and some fan shrimp. Ours seem to have stopped growing at around the 1" mark.

They seem to prefer to sit under wood during the day (or until food appears) rather than plants or rocks.
I've never seen them before but they look adorable! : )
there was a thread the other day in the tropical chit chat forum which had a video of a guys tank who had one of them, it was zooming about the top of the tank like mad at feeding time.
there was a thread the other day in the tropical chit chat forum which had a video of a guys tank who had one of them, it was zooming about the top of the tank like mad at feeding time.

That would be my little lardass :D

They are shy little surface dwelling cats(they love hiding in floating plants).They come out when food like bloodworm goes into the tank, mine wont eat flake/pellets etc though.I think they get to a few inches long.They can also be sexed much like livebeareres.I keep meaning to get lardass a mate but the lfs hardly ever gets them in and they usually have ich when they do.

This is the only good pic I have of lardass(in the bag adjusting to my tank).

I got one of these this week, seen him in a lfs and he looked really cute, i asked if he was suitable in a community fish tank and they said yeah, now he just kinda sits under a piece of wood and looks like he smiles at you all day, within 20 minutes of the light out he's dashing about everywhere, great addition to an aquarium, you might not see them often but when you do its worth it, i was lukcy in that mine hides under some wood right at the front so i can see him all day :p

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