Ohhhh, Not Happy!


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Just went to give the pond a clean....
Something has killed and eaten (all but the heads) my pond goldies!! Sooo upset!
I wont be getting anymore until the new outside tank is here (with LIDS) and i'll restock then. The pond will now be emptied and tossed out
Oh No!!  Any idea what might have done this?
Not a clue, never had this issue before. Something fish hungry has moved into the area....
Oh gosh! :-( I'm so sorry this happened. I hope you can figure out what did it.
Sorry to hear that Alasse.
Truly wonder what happened there though. A mammal predator most likely as left only the heads of the goldies left, but difficult to know for sure just now.
Maybe a cat? And sorry for your losses.
this was probably the work racoons sorry for your goldies 
  this happened to my english teacher once her goldie pond was wiped out by racoons she saw it happen they left heads 

ya need something that fights back maybe a saber toothed characin or a Golden Dorado 
? or get an indoor pond!
Most likely an experienced fish catching cat got your goldies, I used to have a cat in my neighbourhood that ate a fortune in salmon tailed catfish, but it didn't eat them just hooked them out injured them and left them to die.
I very much doubt brushtailed possums would do the deed, but they would happily chew on the remains, and the only other native culprits would be quolls (which are so far it almost excludes them) and Tassie Devils which as you know are officially only found now in Tasmania. Although after some thought a water rat could have moved in, do you have any large permanent bodies of water nearby that have either dried up a lot or it could a be young one being pushed out to find its own territory.
Have you had rain in your area recently? Could a wayward looking for a place to nest fresh water turtle have found its way into the pond?
Sorry for the losses, its heart breaking to lose any pets especially through something that was no fault of your own.
I'm thinking a feral cat may have done it....i wish people would keep their cats inside or in their own yard at least!! I love cats, i have 2 myself, but i keep them where they cant cause any damage or heartbreak for someone else!
If i spot a feral around it will be trapped and pts....no tolerance for ferals here
Alasse said:
I'm thinking a feral cat may have done it....i wish people would keep their cats inside or in their own yard at least!! I love cats, i have 2 myself, but i keep them where they cant cause any damage or heartbreak for someone else!
If i spot a feral around it will be trapped and pts....no tolerance for ferals here
Agreed, my friend's neighbour has a free-roaming cat

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