Fish Addict
I have a 55g Lake Tanganyika cihclid tank that has been up since mid march of this year. I have started having cloudy water issues. Looking at the front of the tank isnt so bad but looking longways down the tank, my visibility is only 1' in a 4' tank. The stocking has changed in the past week, I moved some fish around and removed a breeding pair to their own 'love box', and my LFS got my Cyps in to my surprise
Ill give you guys the vitals:
I have never had cloundy water in any of my tanks so I have no idea what is going on.
Ill give you guys the vitals:
- Stocking is 2 L.marlieri (female is 5.5" and male is 3" + 4 1' juvies and an unknown number of fry), 4 L.ornatipinnis (about 2" each), and as of 17/6/12 11x Cyprichromis leptosoma (about 2.5-3").
- Nitrats are at 20ppm
- Ammonia is at 0ppm
- Filtration is an Aquatop CF-300 (rated at 264gph)
- 2 5-10g 'spot cleanings' + 1 20G water change per wk (not always done on the same day)
- Not planted other than 1 crypt.
- Lighting is solarium H.O. that has 1x "T5 G14 54w" that is 4' long and a blue bulb that is also 4' long. I try not to keep them on for more than 12h
- PH is 8.2
- Filter has a recent addition of phospho-zorb and carbon
- Temp is 79-80F (26-27C)
I have never had cloundy water in any of my tanks so I have no idea what is going on.