Oh Wills what have you done...


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Bought an other tank haven't I... go to pick it up next weekend. Its another Aquascaper 1200 to go in my office space... will probably act as a quarantine tank for the other Aquascaper 1200 to start with but then... oh the possibilities! The only thing I will say is that long term it will likely be a lightly stocked tank with a lot of things growing out the top! I'm currently thinking Central American Biotope - probably Lake Nicaragua...

Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 19.20.37.png
Hello. Very nice looking quarantine tank. I must admit, I've never quarantined my fish. Of course there are several rules I follow when I choose new fish. But basically, if the fish appears healthy, I acclimate them for an hour or so and they go into the tank. Not by any stretch recommending or not recommending quarantining. This is just what I've done over the last few years.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. Very nice looking quarantine tank. I must admit, I've never quarantined my fish. Of course there are several rules I follow when I choose new fish. But basically, if the fish appears healthy, I acclimate them for an hour or so and they go into the tank. Not by any stretch recommending or not recommending quarantining. This is just what I've done over the last few years.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I've never done it before either... to my shame come unstuck a few times though but I'm a bit pickier with how I get my fish now plus... I'm planning to get all my fish from one breeder sooo....

I do however need to keep up the rouse of a QT tank to the wife to explain why I'm purchasing it!

I've never done it before either... to my shame come unstuck a few times though but I'm a bit pickier with how I get my fish now plus... I'm planning to get all my fish from one breeder sooo....

I do however need to keep up the rouse of a QT tank to the wife to explain why I'm purchasing it!

Hello Wills. Your secret is safe with me. I'll never tell!

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Going to pick this up tomorrow! Quite excited for it!
Family emergency meant I couldn’t go 99% of the way there and had to turn back hopefully be able to go again in a few weeks unless it sells in the meantime
Thats a real shame Wills. Hope all is well with your family firstly.

🤞 its still available for you when your ready.

I take it by aquiring the 2 4fts the 8ft tank is on the back shelf for now. What made you alter direction?
Thats a real shame Wills. Hope all is well with your family firstly.

🤞 its still available for you when your ready.

I take it by aquiring the 2 4fts the 8ft tank is on the back shelf for now. What made you alter direction?

Looking like its good news thanks :)

But yes decided to shelf the 8 foot, cost was just adding up too high to do it 'properly' the basic tank and stand from ND aquatics would be a bit under £2k and by the time you add in filters, lights, heaters, sand, rocks, media, we are breaking 3.5 without question if not 4. For once we probably could do it but decided it's too much for me to indulge so I'm getting this 4 foot and we're going on holiday haha!
Bought an other tank haven't I... go to pick it up next weekend. Its another Aquascaper 1200 to go in my office space... will probably act as a quarantine tank for the other Aquascaper 1200 to start with but then... oh the possibilities! The only thing I will say is that long term it will likely be a lightly stocked tank with a lot of things growing out the top! I'm currently thinking Central American Biotope - probably Lake Nicaragua...

any projects are you on now?View attachment 324316
Good grief Wills you're incorrigible. brilliant. How many projects are you on now?
Good grief Wills you're incorrigible. brilliant. How many projects are you on now?
Hello Wills. Hope you've got the time to devote to all the water changes that are going to be needed to keep all the tanks healthy. I spend a minimum of 2 to 3 hours daily on all my tanks and if I had to work too, I don't think I could take care of everything.

10 Tanks (now 11)
Good grief Wills you're incorrigible. brilliant. How many projects are you on now?
I've got 2 tanks up and running, 3 tanks scaped just waiting for the final set up (though one is a tiny tank so 0 real maintenance) and this one hopefully to be picked up in the coming weeks...

Hello Wills. Hope you've got the time to devote to all the water changes that are going to be needed to keep all the tanks healthy. I spend a minimum of 2 to 3 hours daily on all my tanks and if I had to work too, I don't think I could take care of everything.

10 Tanks (now 11)
I currently spend about 1-1.5 hrs a week on my 2 tanks, both are heavily planted so quite high maintenance in some respects but not in others. Probably once a month this time might double for heavier duties, deep cleans, thorough filter cleans etc. I suspect the Mbuna tank will take at least an hour per week for the water change with hoses and I'll try to stay on top of the algae with a scrubber through the week too.

This tank will be a slight challenge but as it's in my workspace I will likely deal with it through the week - there will be a sink very close by so I can make it easy on myself and once I've nailed that should be able to maintain it relatively quickly. In, out, scrub it all about :)

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