Oh well...my neons are dying ne by one


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
i used to ahve 8 now i only have 2

so now i have an 10 gallon tank with

3 platties (moved my female to other tank because she was bullied after giving birth)
2 neons ( i dont plan on getting any more of these.)

u think it'll be good to get 4 ballon mollies? :unsure: they seem cute and they breed easy? since i have 1 platty fry and 4 guppy fry now, wouldnt mind more! :fun:

adn will i need salt for the mollies?
Drac39 said:
Yeah I think drobbins is right Mollies are Brackish
:( bu ti ahve heard that there has ben some mollies that are now adapted to freshwater? and i saw cories with them in my lfs?
I have mollies, they are not brackish as such but they do benefit from a little salt added to the water.

I think you should still get a couple of neons at least to make up the ones that are left, whether they are "a waste" or not.
Cheese Specialist said:
I have mollies, they are not brackish as such but they do benefit from a little salt added to the water.

I think you should still get a couple of neons at least to make up the ones that are left, whether they are "a waste" or not.
i'll give the neons to a friend to add to his 8 neon school ;)
i got another question!!! since ballon mollies are hybrid...when they breed, will the fry be normal ones or ballon mollies when they grow up?
kevin007 said:
i got another question!!! since ballon mollies are hybrid...when they breed, will the fry be normal ones or ballon mollies when they grow up?
What are balloon mollies hybrids of? I never knew that.

Well if it's 2 balloon mollies then I'd imagine the fry would be balloons too.

Not sure though.
Cheese Specialist said:
kevin007 said:
i got another question!!! since ballon mollies are hybrid...when they breed, will the fry be normal ones or ballon mollies when they grow up?
What are balloon mollies hybrids of? I never knew that.

Well if it's 2 balloon mollies then I'd imagine the fry would be balloons too.

Not sure though.
sorry, they are just man made :/
endparenthesis said:
kevin007 said:
i'll give the neons to a friend to add to his 8 neon school ;)
Careful... if they have a disease you might kill his fish off too.

I hear this is common:
yup i know about the neon tetra deseise, it's just not it -_- phew :S but i really like the ballon mollies, it's the only kind of fish that is suitable for my tank now...or so i think...

btw are they peaceful? yes rite?

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