Oh Pleeaaseee Have Sympathy And Help A Girl Out


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?
My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?

What about those latex gloves you get? In fact, don't know if they have any kind of substances on them. Erm... a pair of marigolds?
i used to suffer the same, so can sympathise with how u feel, i know u cant do it in the day (due to dealing with fish) but before bed a good handcream will def help and u need to be religous about it every night if u want to see an improvement
I would go with marigolds and you need Neutrogena concentrated hand cream... It's amazing!!!! Will heal your hands up in no time.
So is the rubber in marigolds ok for the fish? I have been using a really good cream and it's been working great but the last week I've just fallen apart lol, must be the extreme cold weather adding to the mix
So is the rubber in marigolds ok for the fish? I have been using a really good cream and it's been working great but the last week I've just fallen apart lol, must be the extreme cold weather adding to the mix

They should be fine. My girlfriend has the same problem during the winter...it really doesn't seem like fun. Praying for you.

God Bless,
Lush do a really good hand cream and it's all natural ingredients... doesn't mean it's necessarily fish-safe but it's really effective & it smells nice.
You can buy non-talced gloves from B&Q (I use them for painting etc) but they only come up to the wrist so not really any use if you want to get your hands in the tank.
You can use gloves that are latex and powder free. I use these when I am cleaning or changing water in my tanks. They seem to work pretty well. I got purple ones on time and had to switch colors because Buddy my big Oscar would attack my hands, HEHEHEHE! I hope this helped, I feel for you. If you are really having to get your hands down in the tank, I use to put a little Vaseline band above my wrist. It helped my glove stick better and keep water out of my glove.
You can use gloves that are latex and powder free. I use these when I am cleaning or changing water in my tanks. They seem to work pretty well. I got purple ones on time and had to switch colors because Buddy my big Oscar would attack my hands, HEHEHEHE! I hope this helped, I feel for you. If you are really having to get your hands down in the tank, I use to put a little Vaseline band above my wrist. It helped my glove stick better and keep water out of my glove.
I know this sounds crazy but you could also use the cream that is made for healing dry, cracked feet. It does help, my husband uses it, because with his job, he has to use alot of Acetone to clean with and to clean the marble he works with. Regular hand moisturizers didn't work so I figured I would get him to try it, hey what is rougher then the bottom of a heel, and he uses it everyday he comes home.
haha, well from my farming days (oooh Arrr) i found the only thing that would heal my poor cracked and blistered hands fast was...here it comes...Udder cream, don't all laugh at once. This stuff is ace and it has an antibiotic in it for healing cuts and stopping infections. It also has a lovely minty smell. Just make sure you wash your hands before you stick them in the tank as it is very oily

I still keep a tube now and i no longer muck out 10 stables and milk cows blah blah blah
LMAO @ Shell!!
Great advice all round, loving the foot cream idea too as I have a huuuuge pot of it I was giving to mum as part of her christmas stocking of pampering treats for xmas, may have to nick it back lol
My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?

My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?

My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?

My poor hands :(
I have severe chapping, splitting and bleeding on my knuckles and underneath my wedding rings, I can't wear them atm. This is basically due to the combination of cold weather and constant dipping my hands in water for changes. What can I wear that is save for the fishies and my hands whilst I do the changes?

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