Oh No...


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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The filter was making a noise yesterday, so my boyfriend took it apart to have a look, while it was in the tank, so all the crap went into the water :angry:

The filter has managed to clear up all the rubbish, and we did a 50% water change, but now the glass is really dirty on the inside.

How do we clean this with the fish still in it?
Get a glass scraper from your lfs. They are quite cheap.
Yes, purchase an aquarium safe algae scraper/sponge from your LFS. Never ever use a household kitchen sponge to clean your tank...they contain surfactants and anti-mold/mildew chemicals that can kill your fish.
You can buy little magnet cleaners that you move around from the outside, while the magnet moves on the inside, (really good if you have hard to reach places or a really deep tank) otherwise you can get a sponge stuck on the end of a stick for about 2.99 from most aquatic centers or pets stores. I bought one, and it works fine, takes a bit of elbow grease but does the job perfectly.

Also all the particles will make the water apear cloudy, however your filter will clear this up within about 4-12 hours.

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