Oh No


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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In the morning i saw my pleco dead in the bottom of the tank. Can overfeeding kill a pleco i mean i use to put him 1 algea wafer per week, but 2 weeks ago i have been putting him every 3 days 1 algea wafer. He has been in the tank for 3 month. I am so sad. Can it be from overfeeding. Bye
unless the food sits in the tank and rots, it wont be over feeding.

what are your tanks chemical levels at? (Ammonia, Nitrate & Nitrite?)
Every thing is normal. It hass benn in the thank for 3 month. All fine.
did your pleco have a sucken in stomach when it died? I lost a pleco to internal parasites, and never knew till it was too late. I've seen numerous plecos come into stores with paparsites since alot are wild caught. Some plecos need more than just an algae disk. Alot of plecos are carnivorous and enjoy shrimp pellets and frozen food. Others even eat wood to get some nutrients. Colud you also please post more descriptive statistics of your water quality.
Yeah its stomach was empty. But it was in the the tank for long time without showing anything. They told me maybe from overfeeding.

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