oh no.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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Haha. Fooled you. It's ALMOST bad news. I just got my paycheck. Which means I have money. And Pet Smart is getting a betta shipment tomorrow. *cringes*

I have two african dwarf frogs that I moved out of my betta tanks because they weren't getting anything to eat. Bettas are such pigs. :nod: So of course, those guys will be getting a nice little one gallon. They're SO tiny and they should be SO much bigger, but they just weren't getting food. And they refuse to eat their pellets, they only eat BETTA pellets. They hate their sinking shrimp. Picky little buggers.

Anyway. I have eddie in a fishbowl and I really want him to have a nice little tank with a light because he's my HomeDawg. The number one betta. The one I've had since the Begining of the obsession. And he deserves it. So Eddie will be recieving a WONDERFUL little tank tomorrow. And my betta hex with Victor and Grace will also be updated to a nice divided hex tank. (They're on sale! :thumbs: )

That means...I have a neat little betta hex that I can take the divider out of and make a cool little tank for A NEW BETTA!!! Boy or girl, I don't know yet. But we will see my friend. And maybe, who knows, I'll even end up getting another tank and betta. Depends on what they have at pet smart. Oh I'm so excited. Eddie's gonna be thrilled. Vic and Grace will love all the new room they're gonna have. And I'm sure whatever new bettas I get will be happy as all my other ones.

Also, in my five gallon, the goldfish and the sucker. Wow, goldfish are not at all as fun as I imagined. They're really greedy and really impersonable. *sigh* I think I may give them as Christmas gifts to my mother. Which means I'll be giving her a tank, too. She LOVES fish, but never buys them cause it makes her SO depressed when they die. But she takes great care of them. They live for like... years and years.
Sounds like your bettas will have their own little Christmas tomorrow with all the new stuff :wub:
oh yes, they're gonna get some wonderful treatment tomorrow. I wrote it all down. After I get chik-fil-a (for myself. of course) I am going to clean Hex and Monkey's tanks, then head STRAIGHT to pet smart to get A divided hex tank, a lighted hex tank and perhaps one or two bettas. :shifty:

Then I have to go to Carolina Pet Center (*gosh I hate that place. It's so dirty and so expensive and SO...dirty.*) to pick up a huge fish bowl and small filter for my mom's Christmas Fishes. baha. Then I've got to go set up her fish at her house and protect them from the cats while she's gone. (She's in rehab for alcoholism, she's coming back Saturday. We had a fight before she left, but I think the fish will say I love you better than anything.)

I'm so excited. I bet my fish are gonna be so happy and active. haha. Eddie LOVES it when his surroundings change. It's so funny. He gets more excited for food and even jumps before my hand gets near the water. He's such a clown. :lol: :lol:

:fun: :fish:
Sounds like a plan :p @ chikfila, I think I might swing through the drive-thru there tomorrow too :p (yaaay, I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping!)

Your mom's gonna love it! And your fish will be bubble nestin' like craaaazy! :wub:
Well there we go. Eddie is in his new lighted tank, happy as a...betta. My frog has has his new tank sitting out to let the sand settle before I put him in it. He didn't seem to like the gravel because he could never find anything to eat. I got a kritter keeper to house my NEW CAMBODIAN!!! Pink fins. Gorgeous. And Vic and Grace got their new divided. Now I just have to get the goldfish out to my mom's, get my car cleaned, get the rest of my Christmas presents for the PEOPLE in my life. hah. And you guys thought it was just fish. Oh yeah. And I have to find some money. I'm going broke!

Wal mart is disgraceful. They keep their bettas in a half inch of water, no joke. It was sick. And petland had some DISGUSTING diseases floating around with their bettas. Dead bettas. For 3.49! I'm so impressed. :S
lol@ "for the people in my life" :kira: , I hear ya, the things we do for our beloved furry and scaley friends :rolleyes:

Your new betta sounds lovely :wub: congrats!

I just came from Wal-Mart too :no: , I peeked at the bettas....the water was clean but they all looked so hungry it was just sad, I saw one who was so badly malnourished that his sides were deformed *sigh*, then I saw the sink....it was full of cups holding dead bettas :-( . They have the big cups now....but they were also barely full of water :no:

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