Oh no yet again


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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So I sat and thought and thought and thought about the white betta last night and then today, so after work I ran to the pet store and bought him. My dad just finished yelling at me for the one guy and I don't know if he knows about the two from yesterday so I've decided not to mention that. Well when I went to the pet store there was a betta finatic talking about the crowntails that they sold and telling me to buy one because they were only $6 and usualy he said that they go for $20 and then it appeared he was a regular there and the employee stuck around him and helped him out and then the guy said that I looked like I was interested in a fish and the employee asked me if I had one picked out and I said I wanted the white betta and then the fish fanatic was like "white betta I'll fight you for it" and then he gave the employee a hard time about not pointing out the white betta. I'll try and get picks up again and hopefully this time I'll be able to figure it out myself or maybe Ethos will be nice to me again and fix them for me, thank you again.
:rofl: The same thing happened to me when I started keeping bettas :p I started out with one and then I just kept buying them :lol: I bet you are going to have alot more bettas in time :thumbs:
And yes please post pics when you can :D
Lol, yeah betta fanatics can be really on the edge. I had a dream just like that when I was deciding to get Ula, I dreamt that some woman was fighting to get to him, but I grabbed him first. Wierd, huh?

Can't wait to see pics!!!

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