Fish Crazy
when we got home 1 neon looked grim, and prompty died the next day. all else looked good. the apple snails ate 5 plants and so we took them back, swapped for 2 more neons, (and as one died straight away the LFS guy replaced it) bringing them up to 8.
yesterday a platy look miserable, it had no tell tail signs apart from not using one fin much so i bagged it straight away ( i have to emergency/hospital tank). it was dead this morning.
just came home and another platy was at the top of the tank but had a bit of a white mouth, doesnt look like a fungus just looks white. so ive bagged him and added one drop of a fugus treatment (one drop per ltr it says).
all the other fish look good (so did this guy yesterday) levels have been real good lately to. ammonia 0 nitrIte 0 and nitrAte between 12 mg/l and 25mg/l (its 25mg/l fresh from the tap).
any suggestions please!!