OH NO !!!! I Can't believe I did this!!


Sep 16, 2003
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Boy did I screw up. I was so excited last night when I came home last night with my new tank. We had to move the 15 gallon over about 3 feet or so, so we could bring the new tank in. I unplugged the heater and forgot to plug it back in. I was just working on the new tank and the Gouramis were watching me and begging for food. I dropped some food in and sat down to watch them. I noticed that one of them was missing. I found it nose-dived into a plant. When I went to take it out I noticed the water was awfully cool. I usually keep the temp at 79-80 degrees. It was 70 degrees!!! This was a drop of 9 degrees over 24 hours. Do you think that is what killed her or do you think it's because she was brand new. I just got her on Wednesday. What a bummer. I plugged the heater back in. Do you think I should do anything else, like a water change to bring up the temp or just let it go back up gradually? I feel really stupid for doing this. :byebye: I haven't lost a fish in a long time. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Deb :stupid:

:rip: Lacey
I'm sorry to hear that. I wouldn't change the water to bring the temp up too quickly. That might possibly cause shock. The fish can still live in 70 but as you already know it's not the best. I would let the water temp go up on it's own with the heater.

I've had many cichlids do ok when dropped into water that's even 6-7 degrees different but it's not really something I can recommend.
Hi Debo - I'm definitely with Jeff on this one - I wouldn't try to bring the temp up any faster than what your heater will do for you. 70 is pretty darn chilly for gouramis and that could be the reason you lost one. However, I also feel that you have a whoooooole lotta gouramis in a 15 gallon tank. I'm not sure if they're all babies and some are going to move into your new tank or not, but I wouldn't keep more than one full grown blue gourami in a 15 gallon tank, even if he was the only fish in it. Some of the gouramis are very territorial and can be extremely aggressive to other gouramis. It is not at all beyond reason that one of the other fish in your tank took out the dead gourami. It's just something to watch for... constant harassment from another gourami, even if it doesn't look particularly vicious or damaging, can be enough to kill the submissive fish. The other thing to watch for now is any sign of the onset of ich, which can often appear after a drop in temperature. I forget what is in that tank, aside from the gouramis, but if you can, I'd add some aquarium salt now. If you see any flashing at all, I would commence treatment for ich. I'm sorry about your misfortune; these things happen to all of us. :/
Yes, I forgot to mention that this could easily cause ich. Thanks for picking up my slack, Kirsten.
Sorry to hear about that it happened to me but no fish died it happens :/
Thanks for the advice. I am going to go add the salt right now. I have them in the 15 gallon only because when I put them in the big tank they got terrorized by my only gourami in there. I am putting them in the new 35 gallon tank as soon as possible.
WAIT!!! I read in your sig. that you have cories in that tank. If so, DO NOT add salt! It will kill them. Read the pinned posts in Catfish Cradle! Jeez, I hope that you read this before you put the salt in...
FlareBettaGuy said:
WAIT!!! I read in your sig. that you have cories in that tank. If so, DO NOT add salt! It will kill them. Read the pinned posts in Catfish Cradle! Jeez, I hope that you read this before you put the salt in...
I know plenty of people that add salt in with their cories and none have died. I think it's a case of someone reading it once and then it becomes law for some reason.

To say it kills your cories is a myth imo since I see it all the time and the cories are fine.
I always cringe for a few moments and then every morning after I have added salt or about to add salt to a tank with my cories and clown loaches. I always have some salt in mine and they like it and have been much healthier and ich free since I started doing it. Thanks Flarebettaguy though for your concern and quick response. I really appreciate it. I never in a million years would have done that before, but after reading a lot ablout salt and cories and then a post somewhere from some old Indain Woman, I now do it with ease.
I still cringe though!!

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