Oh No! Corie Catfish Sick!


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
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USA, Colorado, Denver
I just noticed one of my cory catfish was sick, he was laying on a plant leaf. His fins shows signs of damage, especially his top fin. I also just noticed another cory catfish with finnage damage, too! they were perfectly fine, BUT, I have a feeling my clown loaches are responsible

I have three cory catfish and three clown loaches. As cute as the loaches are, their appetite are more voracious then any fish I have owned so far, and I dont know if the clown loaches have gone after the cories!
What do I do with this sick, near dying cory fish? what about my other catfish???
Isolate all three of them and treat with Melafix. This will help the fins re-grow. 30% water change daily for the next couple of weeks.

You may want to consider either keeping them apart permanently or getting rid of one or the other.
when i kept corys and clown loach together in my 4ft tank the clowns had a killing spree and the corys they didn't kill ended up without eyes. I now have my loaches together in a 5ft tank and 4 other tanks have corys. I wouldn't risk mixing them again. but then most of my loaches now are over 5 inches.
The big loaches are fine with smaller zebras and dario loaches though.


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