oh my...


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
In My Own Little World
Good: Mishka dropped another batch of fry, as expected one day past the month from her last batch.
Bad: Found one...
Ugly: He got eaten by a Loach before i caught him.

Good: Caught Hex (who turned out to be a Swordtail) and Zane (who's being beat up) to return them tot he pet store
Bad: Hex started acting funky...
Ugly: Hex died :-(

Good: Baby Kiss is expected to drop more fry next Friday (hehe ^^)
Bad: Not sure if i should breeding-trap her Thursday...
Ugly: Kiss is dramatic, and very apt to 'play dead' and abort her fry in the trap, but they'd be eaten in the tank!

Good: Managed to catch all my fry for pet-store resale
Bad: They, too, started acting funky...
Ugly: They all curled up and died horrible deaths...

sad story there but i would try letting the female give birth in the tank sometime quite alot survive... fisrt i had2 then 12 and now i seem to have loads too many to be often and i have never used a breeders net lol ...... esepcailly since the female guppy did the great escape every night i reckon the other fish were part of it :shifty: i mean u can always try and cath them with a net...that what i used to do.also get lots of plants that helps!!!! :D
i think i figured out why they acted funky.

i first caught Hex and the Fry and bagged them in brand new tap water. i was sure it was the same as the tank, it felt the same, and read the same on the thermometer. but after looking at them, they look like they all died of shock. my dad thinks i'd used cold water instead, so i double checked my theromometer in my big tank and guess what? it when right up to 82*. i know i turned it down, so i broke out the monster pool thermometer (which i boiled to a pulp about three months ago) and checked it. my tank is really at 79*.

the thermometer was fixed :-( i'm so glad Zane was moved in all-tank water, i will never do that ever again.

i have tones of silk plants, mostly ones with lots and lots of leaves and therefore lots and lots of stem OR corner to them. i'm pretty sure i saw Mishka playing Baby-Herder this morning when the lights went on :) and Kiss's fry seem especially adept at finding hiding places, quite a few survived the first week when i couldn't catch them with the Evil Turkey Basty Thing!! :lol:

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