Oh my!

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Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Call me easily led. :rolleyes: I went to a local garden centre today with my children and in with tetras (you don't have to say it, my face at the time said it all) a small iridescent purple/pink/blue male betta. Most of his fins are missing and looked to be heading for the grave within 24 hours. :-( My 7 year old daughter turned on the waterworks knowing very well it would die in there if left. I relented. Bought the biggest livebearer birthing net I could find and asked a girl to get the injured betta for me. I pointed it out in the tank. She then said it came in that way. :grr: I replied it's fins have been ripped by the tetras. She replied 'No, I swear to you, it came in this way. So did some platties etc.' The previous day I had seen this same betta in the tank with it's fins in tact. I hate being called a liar. :angry:
Anyways, Bought him home and he is now in the net in my 55g. It's only safe place I could put him since the new 30g is still cycling and I have no dividers to hand. :no: Lights are still off but he has eaten a few flakes of betta food already and seems curious of the other residents. I can forsee some flaring since he seems to be a spirited individual. I hope I can get him a proper home on Monday so this is only temporary.
If I put some of the filter media out of my established tanks in the net (Obviously not with him still in there.)in the new tank I shall pick up will that be enough to get the filtration under way and stop the ammonia/nitrItes doing horrid things? Or is there a better way?
Where are you located?? I'll home him if it helps at all... that's if i'm near you. I have transporter and so on...
I'll happily medicate as necessary and he'll be in isolation - obviously. Not sure about the filter, new tank etc!
Thanks for the offer Sarah but I think my daughter would kill me if I gave him away. :S
He's looking well this evening. Done some flaring at the female platties through the netting. :rolleyes:
I'm in Cambridge area anyways, which isn't close by. I saw some good tanks on sale today so I'll pick one up and divide it for him and some rather pretty females I've seen. :hey:
Bless him! Glad to hear he is progressing ok.
Shout if there is anything else we can do.
EDIT: As far as a tank goes for him you can just add tap-water that has been treated - obviously! Then do water changed regularly - although I'm sure you knew that. Watch the dividing of one male and females. If they can see each other the females may get very stressed and the male may be over-excited a lot of the time. That's what I'm aware of anyway... please correct me if I am wrong though!
So Glad he is doing better!

Here he is. Doing well despite the state of his fins and tail. Sorry the pic's not great. I think he's a veiltail but not sure.
he is cute :wub: i saw a betta in pets @ home today with black phantom tetras.He was a red veil.He had no tail whatsoever.He looked like lucky the tailless betta!and all his other fins were shredded.I so wanted to take him but i have nowhere to put him :grr:

well done for saving him!
Kudos for you! I would have done the same thing...I can't help it, I have to rescue!
he's adorable! it will be neat to see what his fins turn out to looik like. good on ya for rescuing him! :D :thumbs:
Got his new home today. Set it up this evening andwill transfer him tomorrow. Once he's settled I shall add some cories or similar for the bottom. Tanks approx 10g. Am gonna stick in some filter media from my other mature tanks to help it along. :thumbs:
He's lovely now, but I'm sure he'll be even more gorgeous when his fins have grown back!

I bought a betta home in a similar shredded state back in May (you'll see in the attached image) and he's now a gorgeous veiltail :wub:

Make sure and post some pictures when he's all healed!

The before of my little man:
:( Poor thing! What a state. Glad he's all better now. Bet he's lovely. Any recent pics?
I will post some of him when he's all healed of course. I'm seeing more blue on the tail that is there so am intrigued as to what the rest will be.
ouch! that last pic if horrible to even think about! i feel alot more sad for it now then when i saw the other pics.
Miss Dib Dabs said:
:( Poor thing! What a state. Glad he's all better now. Bet he's lovely. Any recent pics?
I will post some of him when he's all healed of course. I'm seeing more blue on the tail that is there so am intrigued as to what the rest will be.

I don't have any recent pics of him, but I can definitely get some if you're interested.

It's fun to watch the fins grow back, seeing which colours come in. My guy's got a black head and blue body/fins, as you can see, but his tail has grown in with almost fuchsia streaks in it.

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