Oh my look at this tank for a betta

You should ask the seller if he would like to live his whole life in a space the size of a closet. :(
I'd love to send a message to the seller...but I wonder can you get in trouble for sending a message like that??
gee, thats no better than the betta cups at walmart -_- dont get on the guys case about it, the thing, judging by the pic is a peice of crap, no one is going to buy that for a fish, its not even good enogh to hold my pocket change. :D dont worry about it ;)
its one of those generic crap too-tiny bowls from the LFS glued onto an upside down flower pot painted in spiderman with 4 red and 3 blue marbles thrown in for good measure and pazzaz! I could do that project in an afternoon, maybe with a larger bowl -_- .... im blown away by what some will try and sell on e-bay!!! :blink:
hey, thats give me an idea -_- ... purhap i should buy some fish stuff and starte makeing good 1g betta bowls and selling them. -_-
Perhaps the confined space in that Spidey setup is for creating an environment that will make the occupant (i.e. the betta) question itself about its existence. This will result in a betta filled with angst and doubt like Peter Parker.

What will they think of next? A Doc Ock betta bowl with mechanical arms?

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