Oh My Goodness What Should I Do!


Sep 3, 2005
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I just unwrapped the towel that I use to keep my betta in the 2.5g warm and I found him at the top and trying to get down but he can't and he keeps turning sideways while trying to straighten him self but can't and just know he made it to the middle of the tank and keeps trying to get down but he just flew back up. He is also bloated which makes me suspect constipaton which is pressing against his swim bladder or he is fat and his fat stomach is pressing against his swim bladder. I don't have any peas. Is there something I can do till I can get some?
Hmmm. I don't know what would be safe to feed to "replace" peas, though in the past I've used small herbivore pellets with decent sucess. However, I do not know if that was what helped the fish, or if he just worked it out on his own.
Perhaps if you increase the tank temp slowly, it will help his metabolism and speed those sluggish guts along? I don't know what the current tank temp is, but I've noticed that when my bettas are between 80-82 degrees, I see absolutely no constipation. I'd imagine the reason is that since fish's metabolisms are directly controlled by their body temp, perhaps food sits for too long and looses too much moisture in the gut when their metabolism is slowed down due to a lower temp. Worth a try I guess, eh?
I hope he does better and you're able to buy peas soon!

edit: I think at some point I saw something about some kind of (edible) oil placed in the mouth? Not sure though... better to wait for someone more experienced in this.
Yeah its called cod liver oil but I can't get that because it cost $10 for a small bottle :S Not sure what the temp is because my thermomater got dropped and the glass around the top of it broke and it won't give a temp it stays at 70 when I know in my other tanks its 78 because when I do 100% water changes on my 1g and 1/2g I use heated water from my other tanks and the thermomater says 70 degrees when its really 78. So sorry. Anyone else have an idea?
No green veg and I only have regular aquarium salt. Should I take the plant that is in being held down by gravel let it float to the top so he won't dry out since he body keeps breaking the surface of the water?
Yes, sounds in a bad way, good luck.
Yes I should let the plant float so he won't dry out or yes it sounds like a bad case of swim bladder? :huh:
You should get another thermometer to see if the temperature is fluctuating. I know that if it drops below a certain level then the food in the gut doesnt pass through and will rot so causing problems. Try feeding nothing for 3 days and see if that helps and getting the temp to a steady 80f to see if its digestive problems.
I would get a heater but my lps only has 50 watt heaters and higher :/ and I can't buy one online. I will get a new thermometer once I get to go to my lps.
Its ok if you want to float a plant.
Don't freak out! The same thing happened to my girl last week (and I freaked out). Don't feed him for a few days and he should be just fine. :D
Thanks brooklea. Sorry guys for freaking out. Juat as an update he is doing MUCH better and it able to get to the bottom and move around the whole tank but he just looks so pathetic because he seems to be begging for food just because he missed yesterdays feeding. :p But occasionally he seems to just float back to the top so I will fast him for 2 more days and I will feed him a small amount and put his plant back down at the bottom he seems to miss it being there. :-( :lol:

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