So...we're at the Fish Store last night checking out some new potentional tank-mates and we see a tank with baby Bala Sharks, about the size of the one I used to have - 3" - 4". My husband says "Those are cool, we should get some more." And I said, "Fine, if you want to buy me that bigger aquarium over there..." (Pointing ever-so-slyly to the bigger than life 180-Gallon...I know it's not needed, but hell, if I get a bigger tank, might as well go for the Gold, right?
Anyway, he's like "Why?". I said "Well, they get to be about 14"..." and then he says as we're turning around the corner "That's not all that big, I mean, it's about like so..." as he holds up his hands to show approximately how much 14" would be.
And then I stopped dead in my tracks and said "Yeah, or like that" and pointed to two Bala Sharks that I *SWEAR* were bigger than 14". BIG AND MEATY would be the key words. In the tank with another, much larger, fish, that appeared to be of Shark Lineage.
And it only gets funnier from here...
In the back of the tank, huddled (probably in fear) by the filter were two single goldfish. Nothing special - you're average $0.29 variety. So, Bri (my husband) says "Uh, are those Goldfish in the tank for a reason other than lunch?" LOL I was like "Dear, I'm thinking you probably hit the lunch thing right on the nose.."

EDIT: Please disregard the comment about the sharks being 14 inches in length. I'm awful with measurements and based on replies to this post, I seriously doubt the fish reached that length. More likely, I was just used to seeing baby Balas (3-4 inches) and when I saw a full-grown adult, I was stunned by the actual size of the Shark.
Since I do not have a ruler handy when I normally visit my LFS, I have no actual proof of their size.
If I have time, I will stop in and take a picture - but most of you are probably right, the fish is most likely only 10 inches, max.
Anyway, he's like "Why?". I said "Well, they get to be about 14"..." and then he says as we're turning around the corner "That's not all that big, I mean, it's about like so..." as he holds up his hands to show approximately how much 14" would be.
And then I stopped dead in my tracks and said "Yeah, or like that" and pointed to two Bala Sharks that I *SWEAR* were bigger than 14". BIG AND MEATY would be the key words. In the tank with another, much larger, fish, that appeared to be of Shark Lineage.
And it only gets funnier from here...
In the back of the tank, huddled (probably in fear) by the filter were two single goldfish. Nothing special - you're average $0.29 variety. So, Bri (my husband) says "Uh, are those Goldfish in the tank for a reason other than lunch?" LOL I was like "Dear, I'm thinking you probably hit the lunch thing right on the nose.."
EDIT: Please disregard the comment about the sharks being 14 inches in length. I'm awful with measurements and based on replies to this post, I seriously doubt the fish reached that length. More likely, I was just used to seeing baby Balas (3-4 inches) and when I saw a full-grown adult, I was stunned by the actual size of the Shark.
Since I do not have a ruler handy when I normally visit my LFS, I have no actual proof of their size.