Oh my God -


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
:-( Went to feed fishies this evening and the temp of the water was nearly 95 - so I quickly emptied about a third of the tank out and added cold treated water and got the temp down to about 85. I took out the heater and now I'm testing it to see what happened. Even if it works properly again, I won't take a chance by reusing it., just keep it as a spare. Can anyone suggest a heater for a 180 litre juwel tank? I lost one of my neons during this :-( but I hope I caught it in time and won't lose any more. I feel awful puting them through this - :(
Man, it is such a nightmare when something like that happens,what u got in the tank anyhting really sensitive?
It happened in my community tank, which has 1 pl*co, 1 betta, 2 goby dragons, numerouse sailfin mollies and platties (numbers keep changing coz of fry :) ) 6 corys (haven't seen them scuttling around - hope they're OK :sad: ) and a few odds and bobs. It's a heavily planted tank (hope they survive :sad: ) Oh dear dear :sad:
Don't worry, fish soup tastes good dont they eat a lot of fish in Essex?!
A cunning guess i see my fish sense is in good working order. You know you cant jelly fire eels though!! :p
Ebo-Jagger submersable heaters!!!!! I boiled one of my tanks before bc of a craopy heater. loast soem very nice angels and clown loaches. Go to BigAlsOnline.com They have awesome stuff at awesome prices
Well, got me a new heater - couldn't get 150 wats so had to go for 200. Counted the damage to the tank - 6 lost fishies :-( The rest seem OK
WhiskeyDawg said:
Ebo-Jagger submersable heaters!!!!! I boiled one of my tanks before bc of a craopy heater. loast soem very nice angels and clown loaches. Go to BigAlsOnline.com They have awesome stuff at awesome prices
This is a UK based site, and as far as I know theyr not avalible over here (at least that I know of)

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