Oh My God


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2008
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hi folks bad news ive cracked one of my tanks and cant get another for 2 weeks so all my fish are in together and overstocked is understating i cant get anyone to house them for me and ive put an extra filter in from the old tank but how long will they be ok together aggresion shouldnt be a prob
thanx in advance
scot :good:
what size is the tank and what fish do you have in there now?
hi folks bad news ive cracked one of my tanks and cant get another for 2 weeks so all my fish are in together and overstocked is understating i cant get anyone to house them for me and ive put an extra filter in from the old tank but how long will they be ok together aggresion shouldnt be a prob
thanx in advance
scot :good:
Just do lots of small water changes, and hopefully all should be OK, what size tank are they in now and what is the stocking?
i have four angels
6 zebra danios three pearl gourami three platty's two corys and an apple snail
thanx for your help guys water stats are staying good

and there all now in a 20g
ouch that is pushing it for a 20gal, but i think with extra water changes and careful monitoring it'll be ok for a couple of weeks.
cheers for that reassurance might be able to borrow a 5g should i put the plattys corys zebs and snails in that and leave the gourami and angels together in the bigger tank?
well the only agression problems you'd get would be from the angels and gourami's so these would be the one's I'd want to separate, however a 5gal is no place for either of them even temporarily IMHO so I'd say leave them both in the 20, then move some of the other fish to the 5 to reduce the bio load on the filter and give everyone a bit more space.

put some tall plants and decor into the 20gal so it will break the line of eyesight for the angels and gourami's, will help to mitigate agression. :good:
thanx miss wiggle just as i thought hubbys just offered to take me for a replacement today yipee so should be fine thanx again
scot :good:
excellent :good:

good hubby, buy him a steak or something tonight :D
Next time keep in mind waterworld its nr chester and they have helped me in a bind they delivered mine same day and let me order and pay over phone...... broke tank with hoover and couldnt mix my cold and warm fishes.
little tip actually, most people will have a tank break on them at some point during their fishkeeping career, I've had it happen and I know plenty of people who have. Buy a big garden tidy tub from the garden centre, they're just a few quid, stick it in the garage and forget about it, don't use it for anything else though so it stays clean. They'll generally hold a good 20/30 gals of water and are sturdy enough that you can run an internal filter and a small heater in them if needs be so they're great as a back up 'tank' if something like this happens.

Very very handy thing to keep around for a fishkeeper and only a couple of quid.
Nice tip Miss Wiggles.

little tip actually, most people will have a tank break on them at some point during their fishkeeping career, I've had it happen and I know plenty of people who have. Buy a big garden tidy tub from the garden centre, they're just a few quid, stick it in the garage and forget about it, don't use it for anything else though so it stays clean. They'll generally hold a good 20/30 gals of water and are sturdy enough that you can run an internal filter and a small heater in them if needs be so they're great as a back up 'tank' if something like this happens.

Very very handy thing to keep around for a fishkeeper and only a couple of quid.
scott my sis (and the rest of the family!) are still in chester, im sure she has aquariums, want me to give her a call and see if she can foster some fish for a few weeks for you??

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