Oh Happy Days...


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wyoming, brrrr!
I am so excited! I have nine bettas scheduled to arrive on Wednesday! Four males and five females, all plakats, and all beautiful! I don't know how I'll make it through tomorrow! I am just so excited that I had to share my good news!
:kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana:
i dread the day i got my first betta...

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ think of it all $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ gone cause of bettas

No kidding there. I've spent around $150 on bettas this week. Just the fish too, that is not even including the new set-ups I had to buy.

It's all worth it! :nod:
uhhh.. holy crap.. i dont spend that much..

you really are addicted

$150.. thats american too i bet..

i havent bought bettas in a long time.. im tryin so damn hard to stay away from the stores...

its so hard tho..

o god no.. i cannot buy any more

$150 my god i still cant get over that..

my biggest spend was $40 and i thought i was insane..

well i guess your gonna have a ton of more fish to play with tomorrow so have a good day.. while you are adoring your new feeesh ill be cleaning all 20 of the betta containers :(
GOOOOOOOOOOOD! :hyper: is the one i gave u the link in that list included?????? god i need piccys!!!!!!! :D

thellama: can i ask you to stop saying "damn" every 2 words please? im asking.
Yep Dolores, the blue marble that you tipped me off to should be here tomorrow :kana: He is to die for, thank you so much for finding him for me! :D
The $150 unfortunately is mostly shipping costs. One of these fish is from Thailand and another is from Indonesia, so that's where a lot of the money went. :look:

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