Oh boy I'm going to get an all new tank for zebra


Fish Addict
Jun 27, 2005
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Oh yea I'm sooo happy today that my mom finally aloud me to have 1 more tank in the baseman :) (well space r waste any ways with junks and stuff). After it clear up I have space for tank between 75-150g. I'm planning to make it a pure zebra pleco tank. My friend is an owner of a fish store so he will order minimum of 5 zebra pleco for me which I want more on a $90 dollar per one prize :D. He take no credit for this, it sure is good to have friend/family member working in this industries. Any one keep this fish? any advice on size of the tank and filter etc? I'm going to install an eheim + aquaclear with power head for insaned curren.
Best of luck in finding 5 - and more so - someone who's willing to hand 5 over at $90 a piece :blink:
I dont know about u guys over on UK, But if I bought them normally in other fish store it be over 200+ or so. Those fish store ppl make alot of profit out of it :(, but any ways I just got confirm I be getting 5 by the end of next monthes. Cant wait to get my hand on them :drool: .
The last time that Hypancistrus zebra L046 was available in the UK, prices ranged from £100 to £170 ($180 - $300) each, but since collection, export and even ownership for captive breeding was made illegal in the fish's native countries the supply has almost completely dried up.

The only fish still being offered for sale are captive bred specimins from private collections in Europe & North America which fetch huge prices as demand far outstrips supply.

There is only ONE known breeder in Australia who sells his fish for up to A$6000 !

In recent months importers have been providing a host of other species with similar (but less spectacular) markings which they are marketing as 'red zebra plecs' or 'chocolate zebra plecs' or 'leopard zebra plecs' or a whole host of other names designed to make them sound desirable.

These are NOT true zebra plecs, most of them aren't even hypancistrus species, so if your source says he can get five, make absolutely sure that you're getting L046 hypancistrus zebra
SirMinion said:
make absolutely sure that you're getting Lo45 hypancistrus zebra

SirM, that must be a typo, because surely you mean L046 ? :blink: ;)
bloozoo2 said:
SirMinion said:
make absolutely sure that you're getting Lo45 hypancistrus zebra
SirM, that must be a typo, because surely you mean L046 ? :blink: ;)
:lol: Whoops yes. Excuse the senior moment!
Spotted you as a new mwmber on a regular haunt I'm on - Good luch with the hunt (and the funds!!)

as others on that fourm have said - if you can actually get them for that price - get lots and lots of them.
There is only ONE known breeder in Australia who sells his fish for up to A$6000 !
Why am i not suprised? :p

Good Luck with the Plecs

I know zip about plecos, except to admire them from afar, bigger fish than I can ever handle. However I am wondering, with this worldwide shortage, how easy are they to breed?

Could IMCL85 make a tidy hobby income off of breeding L046's? I only ask because that might get his mom even more agreeable to another few tanks? Well one can live in hope I suppose. :kana:
SnowyzMom said:
I know zip about plecos, except to admire them from afar, bigger fish than I can ever handle.  However I am wondering, with this worldwide shortage, how easy are they to breed?

Could IMCL85 make a tidy hobby income off of breeding L046's?  I only ask because that might get his mom even more agreeable to another few tanks?  Well one can live in hope I suppose.  :kana:
Not that easy - especially for someone who's never attemted breeding before and know little or nothing about that fish :/
And not many people have the huge outlay that it requires in funds in something that is certainly not a sure thing and could stand to lose it all in the blink of an eye :no:

It would take a good year minimum before any return (if any) is seen.....
bloozoo2 said:
SnowyzMom said:
It would take a good year minimum before any return (if any) is seen.....

It's been 18 months now with our L129's and nothing - zip - didly squat!
We've tried different triggers and they are having none of it :(

Zebras only have half a dozen fry at a time - and they take about a year to get to a sellable size. (and then they will take another 2 to reach breeding age)

not something to be done for profit...
Oh dear - well perhaps they will like the new fish house ;)

But you are right - too many people are keen to jump on the "lets breed Zebra plecs for some quick bucks" bandwagon - and do not realise that success is in no way guaranteed, losses are likely and it's not going to be a quick buck - far from it :/
check that they are proper zebra plecs, check that he isnt just assuming. I have spoken to people in america, no one is able to get TRUE zebra plecs, only close relatives, who's colouration and patterning is NO WHERE NEAR as nice..


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