Office Fishie Home For The Holidays


Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2005
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Evening guys and gals!! Just have to share that today I brought Mohican, myoffice betta home. I've had him at the office since the beginning of October and I :wub: him. He is a double tail and is most gorgeous. I promise to post picks later!! I named him Mohican due to his colouring - he looks like he's got a bit of a mohawk going on...

He lives in a 1g tank of his own, which I brought home very carefully with him inside it in a ziplock baggie. :*) He's been in about 9 different spots since I got him home but now he's in the "fun zone"!! I wound up setting up a t.v. table in front of my 35g and propped him up on an old chess board so he can see in!!

He is having a blast, I must say!! :p All of my mollies rushed the glass on the tank where he can see in like "hey! who are you? what you doing out there?" and my female Piper, flared and flared. He's flaring away in there right now too! I don't think he's going to want to go back to the office!!

On the way home I stopped to get some bloodworms. I wound up rescuing a blood red male (no idea what his tail is like) who was in a tank with gouramis!! He practically has no fins left. Right now I've got him in an oversized fry holder thingy in my 35g. I can't really afford another 1g atm, but hopefully, can keep him going in there until I can. I plan on rotating him with Piper so that they can both have a bit of a swim about. She loves the large tank herself- I don't know about him.

Pics later!! Promise!!
Can't wait to see pics of the mohawk :lol: Sound like he's having fun there and the mollies have a side-show too :D

Good on you for rescuing the poor little guy with the bitten tail. If you could give him his own container, then you could give him frequent water changes and a little aquarium salt and he would grow it back in no time :)

Good luck with him and I hope you manage to get Mohican back to the office after the holidays :rolleyes:

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