Office Fish Needs More Sleep?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2005
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Hi again, all. Wow, it's been forever since I last posted, but... the betta bug bit again... or is that betta fish?

Anywho, I have recently received a young white crowntail, and he has made the trip to the office with me. He has a nice sized tank, and so far he seems to be doing very well. :good: He hates the handle of his tank, and flares at it nigh-constantly, follows the movements of people walking past, is eating heartily, and has started up a love affair with the cap of my pen. He was extremely stressed the first few days, but seems to have adapted quite well and seems happy to see me, or at least the bright colors I'm wearing.

My question is this- the lights on the office are on all the time, and so I'm worried that he may start suffering from sleep deprivation or something similar. I was thinking of bringing in a dark cloth to drape over his tank when I leave for the night- one of my coworkers could take it off in the morning when they get in.

Is that necessary, or am I just being paranoid? I have kept a betta alongside a lighted aquarium, and he's been doing well for about a year and a half now, but the office lights are much brighter.

Appreciate any advice,
Hi and welcome back :good:

As with us Bettas need to have a difference of day and night as they would in the wild. I think as you said maybe a blackout cloth of somesort over the tank at night would help, so that he is able to have some quiet time with no distractions of the comings and goings of a busy office.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. :)

For tonight I just propped one of my folders over the tank- it won't block all the light, but most of it. I have plenty of handkerchief type items at home that'll cover his tank completely. I'm embarassed to admit that the light situation didn't hit me until a few days after he had arrived at his new home. :blush:

Although, a few folk have already stopped by and asked questions about him ("Why is he in such a big tank?") so maybe he can do some good. Educate the folks and everything. Betta fish were a 'fad' awhile back in our office, and unsurprisingly, none of them lasted long.
My betta that's at work, Lemon, LOVEs all the activity and coming and going of customers and staff.
but when he's tired, even during business hours, he goes to chill and sleep in the plant or the tube or in the back near the filter.

do you have lots of plants, furniture and cozy places for him to "hide out" a bit when he's tired? that should help. i've seen all my bettas RESTING even if the tank lights are left on too long sometimes.

if the overhead lights are bright and always on, i guess a drape thingy would be good. my store betta, the lights are off pretty much at night except the window lights, but where his tank is, its pretty dark. cold in there at night, so i had to get him a bigger heater instead of the little micro heater i originally got him.

you're RIGHT its a GREAT education opportunity. i've had several customers go out and get a tank and betta for themselves or their kid or upgrade their existing BOWL after a chat.

there are quite a few neighborhood kids that come visit LEMON regularly and he loves it.

good luck with your OFFICE Betta.
The front of the tank- where he spends most of his time, watching people moving past- is pretty much empty, but he has some thick (plastic) plant cover in the back. He heads back there every once in awhile. I can't see him when he's in the back, but I'm not sure how much it blocks light out. He's also out of direct light from above, as I have a shelf bolted to the wall, and his tank is under that.

I think the tent did him some good- he was wiggling around like crazy at me when I got in this afternoon. He must recognize that I bring the food. :rolleyes:
I would advise to remove the plastic plants and replace with silk. Plastic plants often have hidden sharp edges that can tear the bettas fins as they squeeze past ( and god knows the buggers love to squeeze through gaps )
A silk plant is a good idea, I grabbed the plastic ones mainly because I had plenty of them from previous tanks. So far, no real troubles, but I'll have to check at the lfs and see if they have any black plants, next time I go. Could get a nice look. :hyper:
could you not cut a box up and put it round the tank to cover 3 sides?
What about an orniment he can go inside where it would be dark? you know like a ship reck or somthing that he can just go inside of.
I use a towel to cover mine at night...and also stop my cats stalking them though the glass. My bettas are on my kitchen bench because it over looks our kitchen and lounge and the love it...but i know when they are tierd so i turn the lights off. But even with their tank lights off our house lights keep them up so i have to cover them. Its the only way the rest. Event with loads of silk plants in their homes and their lights off they still dont rest! I even have set times i turn the lights on and off so they have some routine... :blush:
I think offices don't turn off all their lights at night, simply because the amount it costs in the morning to boot them all back up again is just over the amount it costs to leave them on all the time.

As much as I love them, I just couldn't function if I had a betta in a tank nearby, I couldn't help but daydream and catch myself watching it!
Thats an urban myth for the standard flourescent light bulb the amount of time where energy saved from leaving on and turning off and then on is between 40-50 milliseconds. So its more cost effective to turn them off, aswell as bulbs are likely to heat up more and burn out faster due to temps if left on.
As much as I love them, I just couldn't function if I had a betta in a tank nearby, I couldn't help but daydream and catch myself watching it!

I have angry customers yelling at me all day, so I stare at him while they rant. He keeps me sane!

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