Offered A Saltwater Tank... Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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I was offered a saltwater tank at the office today. I was told I could buy it for $200. Here's the details (that I know of).

20 gal acrylic (approx) with a small crack on the top
10 lbs (approx) of live rock (I assume it's 10lbs, takes up about half the tank)
full wooden stand with wooden hood
Three bright lights
External Canister Filter
Built-in sump (w/ protein skimmer)
A few small fish and inverts (I forget what he has)
Fish Food
Testing Equipment
Gravel, sand, water, etc

Okay... it's been in place in my office for about 14 years (in the President's Office). Now, the president died last week and the new president wants the tanks out of the office. They offered it to me since they know I love fish (the other tank is probably around 200 gal and while I'd love it, I have nowhere to put it).

This would be my first saltwater tank, and I have till Wed to tell them yes or no. If I say no, it will be given to an lfs to be sold... so either way, the fish won't suffer. I just need to know, could I setup a tank similar/better than this for a price around $200? Or is $200 a good offer? I don't know, as it cost me about $300 to setup my 30gal freshwater tank.

Please help me out! :)
Id say thats a good deal where I come from. If they dont know anything about fish, try and get the price down with some hagling. :thumbs: Be weary about that crack though. You will need a replacement tank ASAP. I would buy a replacement BEFORE you bought the set-up home, so while your transferring everything, you can place them in the new tank, rather than back into the broken tank.
I would be asking myself if I knew enought about the livestock and could keep them alive instead of the worring over the $$$$

I was offered a full reef set up at a silly cost before I thought I was ready and I turned it down and didnt/dont regret it

I'd say forget it. 20 gallon saltwater as a starter tank is not the best way to go. $200 doesn't sound all that great for me when you don't have brands, lighting type, sturdy tank (crack in it)
I agree with above, its sounds ok but not out of this world, the tank has a crack which is a big worry, at the moment you dont have brand names so once you learn more you may find out its not really up to scratch.

If your really interested say you've looked into it and offer them $100, if not then id turn it down.
Definitely buy the live rock from the tank at least, especially before it goes to the LFS if you don't buy the lot, after 14 years that should be some well mature rock and sounds like you could get a bargain as they don't know what the value of marine stuff is :D

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