Off To The Beach


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2010
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Time is 2am. Tide is nice and low at 0.1 in one hour, I'm off to the beach.

Will post pics if i get anything :p
Oh how cool, how I wish I could come with you - post lots of photos, not just of fish

Seffie x
My camera isn't very good so taking photo out there is usually fail at night.

It started raining just as i got there so it was pretty hard to see anything. I caught one little fish and a couple of tiny shrimp but didn't stay very long at all once it started raining. Saw a very cute little moray eel but they are near impossible to catch with just a hand net and no bait or anything, so i left him.

Most exciting thing i caught was a 4 foot carpet snake on the road just outside my house.

Nice low tide just after lunch tomorrow so I'll try and head down again
it's barely stopped raining here so i didn't go to the beach.

Just woke up from an epic nap with my kitty. Gee what day is it? lol
thursday why??

sounds awsome the most ive caught at a beach (uk one) is starfish,crabs,shrimp(loads of them) and a 1 inch place or sole and was trying to catch a eal type fish for ages in a rockpool then the tide came in and it swam off :lol:
in the uk i found a dead octopus :lol: caught crabs,shrimp and starfish :lol:
i keep very odd hours and just kind of sleep when i get tired, so i was a bit confused :p

yeah i catch all kind of things down at the rock pools near my place. like i've said, everything in my tanks are collected by me (apart from the clown

Ive found huge octopus before, had a wobbegong swim over and land on my foot (scared the crap out of me but luckily it didn't try and have a nibble. ive been hit in the chest by jumping mullet, caught pistol shrimps, feather stars, starfish, cucumbers, sea squirts, pipe fish, urchins, shrimps, all sorts of snails, not much in the way of coral becuase i only like to take that sort of thing if it not attached (like, growing on a loose rock or something), my latest awesome find was a huge colony of blue xenia which seems to be doing ok im my tank right now. i hope it does well cos i love xenia so much. there's not many corals i can get going well im my tank with average lighting.
yeh i think i have to go to talk to me lfs about an iodine supplement.. see if i cant make it really happy to be in my tank

As long as you are using a decent salt then please dont put any additives in your tank yet

Seffie x
Ba ha ha. Yeah, i was half asleep thinking and posting about that. I get my saltwater from 100 meters down the road at a really really big puddle of it.. the pacific ocean. Ignore that post. :p

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