Odessa Barbs


Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
this afternoon i was buying some Odessa Barbs from LFS. The guy who was baggin the up for me had picked me 4 males since they were the most colorful ones and we both didn't know their was females in with them, the females are just plain silver.

While he was putting the price on the bag one of the owner guy comes up and says that we caught 4 males and they will fight too much and I need to get 2 males and 2 females....so I did but the females are so plain and blahhh. :(

The males are SO beautiful now that they've colored up in my tank and I would prefer to exchange the females for 2 more males if possible

Does anyone know if this is true that 4 males would do nothing but fight??

As far as what ive seen, odessa barbs are fine with just males, i havent seen any of ours fight as we only have male atm but barbs can be aggressive in general, but i havent seen anyone with damage to them.
As far as what ive seen, odessa barbs are fine with just males, i havent seen any of ours fight as we only have male atm but barbs can be aggressive in general, but i havent seen anyone with damage to them.

how many males do you have?

Do they generally leave other tank mates alone? I've mainly got fast moving fish without long flowing fins so there should be no problem there, I hope.

I've just sat on a stool in front of the tank and watched them for about 20 minutes just now and I've noticed the 2 males stick together and occasionly bikker for 3- 5 seconds then their friends again. The 2 females are minding their own business together and causing no fuss at all. Im actually starting to like the females, they remind me of goldfish for some reason. :)

Thanks alot for the help. :)
I hae 8 odessa barbs, 4 male and 4 female....great fish, a joy to watch their interesting behaviour.
I would get more females as mines have shown spawing behaviour and the males colorus go even brighter with more female to show off to. The males are always squbling but I havent seen any fin damage so far!! There is definately a heirachery between the males too, mainly te avoid fighting and oe loes t chase the females. :drool:
I have 6 male odessa barbs and they have the odd squabble but nothing serious,they are in my community tank with baby guppies,neon tetras gouramis etc.

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