Odessa Barbs


Nov 4, 2008
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watford, hertfordshire, england
im thinking of buying some odessa barbs but i know little about them

could anyone give me some tips/information on their behaviour, compatability with other fish, requirements, breeding, etc
"boistrous", but not to the same degree as, for example, tiger barbs, and fin nipping is not in their habits. If you get them, make sure that you have a sufficiently large shoal that includes both sexes (==don't get males only).

As for community setups: Odessa barbs prefer slightly cooler temperature than other fish, they are basically a subtropical species. If your house temperature does not get too low, they are going to be better off without a heater.

would they be ok with swordtails and kribs? its a 90 litre tank

probably if kept in a large enough shoal (i would recommend 6-8, make sure there are MULTIPLE females) they would be ok with kribs and swords.

even though they are less nippy than tiger barbs i would watch carefully, the swords on the male swordtails might just be too interesting for the odessas to stay away from (barbs are just that way). I can't say ive heard of this fish combination but in a nice planted setup with the right numbers of each fish it could probably work out...

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