Odessa Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2007
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I'm considering stock for a 50g tank that I do not yet own ( but hopefully will very soon :lol: )

I saw some odessa barbs in the lfs - and they were stunning. However, I've been trying to research them (google, several books and the search function here and elsewhere) , and have read quite a bit of conflicing info (as ever :lol: )

Size estimates seem to vary from 2.5" to 4", and recommended group sizes from a trio to a shoal (6? 10? 100? :lol: )
One or two sources have implied that the males can be a bit nippy if there aren't enough of them (I ws thinkihng of including pearl gouramis in my stocking, so any potential nipping is something I'd want to be aware of) . Does that ring true for any of you?

If they need a large group, then I would bear that in mind when choosing stocking levels - obviously if they are fish who find safety in numbers a big showy shoal will look better and be happier than a few sorry specimens sulking sadly in the shadows (oops, didn't really mean for all those "s"es to appear :lol: ) .
However, I also really like ruby barbs and checker barbs, so I'd quite like to fit in some of those too - but if they are all shoal-loving fish, then I would have more of fewer if you see what I mean :lol:

My water here is around pH 7.4. and I have read that although they prefer a slightly lower pH than that, that it isn't very important to them. Certainly the ones I saw in local water looked *fantastic*

So, I was wondering if anyone has any experience/advice/opinions that they wouldn't mind sharing, please?
I haven't got Odessa Barbs but have got Ticto Barbs which are very similar.
I have 10 of them and they are very peaceful. They end up shoaling with my 6 Pentazona Barbs and look great together.
The PH is about 7 in our tank and the fish are doing fine.
Picture of my Tictos.

Sorry if it's not exactly what info you needed but it is an alternative if you can't get any help. :good:
:blush: I thought tictos and odessas were the same thing.

So, how big are your tictos - and do you think they are fully grown? Lovely fish, btw - thank you :flowers:
Thanks Birdie.
They are very similar looking! Odessa Barbs are Barbus "odessa" and Ticto Barbs are Barbus ticto stoliczkae/ Puntius ticto.
As far as we know they will grow to about 4" but we aren't 100% sure. Ours are about 2" at the moment but they have beautiful colours in them just like the Odessa Barbs.
Ah! looking at this link I wonder if odessas are a sub-species/variety ( don't know the correct term :blush: ) of Punctius ticto . Lovely, either way LOL
I just bought 4 Odessa barbs and I'm enjoying them so much I may just have to go get more (to even out the sexes). Mine are teeny tiny right now though, barely an inch, if that! Love them thus far! They will eat *anything* and everything! :good:
Thanks for that. I've pretty much decided to get at least half a dozen - when my fishless cycle is done :)

For about two nanoseconds I thought the "other inhabitants" in your siggy referred to cat*fish* :rofl: Anyway, having quickly realised that they weren't, I had a quick google, and a look at your website....OMG they are absolutely stunning :wub: :wub:
LOL! Thanks!

If it makes you feel any better, one of my cats did go for a swim in the tank a while back ;-).

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