

Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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Killie fishes,all members of the perch family?What about loaches?Not really oddballs but theres no where else for them.

Not sure i like the idea of catfish being counted :crazy:
i have been looking for killie fish for ages i want some but can't find any.
OH i should have mentioned killies in your Tiny tank thread :rolleyes: Any of the Aphyosemion species would be fine in a tank that size,unfortunately they only live for about a year but are reasonably easy to breed so you can replenish stocks without problem,they need to be kept in soft clean water but in a tank your size (about 10g) this is easily done with RO water.You should be able to find some killies if you do a google search for them,you can buy dried eggs online which you hatch your self :blink:
Check your PMs you should have a couple of addresses i sent you
Loaches, not sure about them. Unless your like me and have over 30 khuli loaches then that may mean odd, but int he sense I have that many. lol Killie fish yes i shall update the list. Large catfish are classed as oddballs.
Really we need another forum to cover all the non oddball species that aren't already catered for like loaches sharks and tetras (characins) to name just a few,many of these are kept but there is no where to post for them,plus what about the perches?I know you mentioned archers but the family is way bigger than that.
I have 2 Chinese fire bellied newts. Does that count as an oddball? They certainly aren't covered by any of the forum topics. Information on them is also hard to find as everything you find contradicts everything else you find. That's a real bummer!

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