Oddball In The Betta Room


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
Waaah! My betta room is no longer strictly bettas :( But it's okay because over the past 24 hours I've grown fond of our new roomie :p

I had to move my lil red devil girl into the fishroom as my husband said no more tanks in my bedroom and I had nowhere else to put her (it's quite sad when you can't even find one single four foot area for a tank in your house) He had a great defense though, and I quote "Kelly, you have an entire wing of the house just for your fish, not to mention the tanks in the living room, no more in the bedroom....the filters drive me crazy when I'm sleeping"....wow, who knew? He never said anything about the tank in the bedroom after all these years. Ahhh well.

So, I set her up in a 50 with the bettas. None of them can really see her so I expect they won't be too nervous :p

And, on a fun note, I played around with my camera this morning. It has a cool little panoramic feature, I just haven't mastered it -_-
This is what I've accomplioshed with fishroom pics thus far....you can see that I messed up near the window and it doesn't zoom out far enough for me to photograph the bottom shelves where most of my wilds are, I have to figure this out because it has potential to be awesome! One complaint is that you can't use flash while using this feature (that I know of?) so they came out somewhat blurry.

She's in her own tank. I was, however, worried she'd inimidate my smaragdina, so I covered their end of the tank with a piece of paper, so they can't see her.

One thing I hate though is that now I look like I cull, which I do not do. :( She's just in there as my lil buddy :wub:
If I was a culler she would be in plain view of the bettas as a constant reminder that they'd better be beautiful...or else! :p (so kidding!)
I love Red Devils. Your's is so cute. :wub:

Great looking Betta room too! My "office" is starting to look like that too. :p
Thanks, I like her a lot. I contemplated on giving her to a friend when I wasn't finding a spot for her. But I hated the thought of getting rid of her and my daughter laid down an absolute "No, we're keeping her!" which sealed the deal.

As for water changes, I spend a few hours each night doing something or other. Sometimes I do them during the day while my kiddo is at school, but most often at night after she goes to bed. They're a "my time" kind of thing. Last night I went into full swing and two-three hours just flew by before I even realized I was doing changes. I go into an 'automatic' mode or something, it's weird. I think I'm just habitual.
Wow alot of fish tanks in that room, glad i don't have to do the water changes. :lol:
If I was a culler she would be in plain view of the bettas as a constant reminder that they'd better be beautiful...or else! :p (so kidding!)

As I've said before, I love that little girly. What a cutie pie she is! :wub:
Love the fish room too, it looks so organized! If only I had a whole room to dedicate to fish... I currently share my bedroom and computer room with them.

BTW... I'll be in the DFW area this weekend, know of any good fish shops that would be worth visiting? :hey:
OooH, depends on whereabouts you'll be. If you're near Haltom City on the South side of town I suggest Keller farms. You can get a pound of blackworms for 10.00 AND they have these frozen bw's from Hong Kong...same size as Hikari flatpacks for 2 bucks. I use those for the wilds and the rest of my fish, even my prized adults and I have to say that I've never had a problem. I used to worry because they were so cheap, but meh, they're good. I still feed Hikari only to my youngest one's though Sometimes they have daphnia in stock as well, but not recently so I don't know.

If you're over on the west side there's The Aquarium next to Ridgmar Mall, can't tell ya much about it though.
And my personal favorite is Fish Paradise over here by me in the Southwest part of FW. It's not my favorite because of the "wow" factor, although they do usually have a nice supply of fish, including a barracuda right now and their resident nurse shark.

We also have a club meeting this weekend :nod: But I can't promise there won't be more than me and Wally :lol: Everybody has things to do that weekend, much like you! I know there has to be several shops in Dallas but I've never been. DallasDiscus right off the top of my head but I couldn't tell you where it is.

Joby, I love the panoramic view. I think I'll use it a lot. It's cool because you take a pic and then the next pic has the edge of the last pic lightly in it, so you just line it up. Problem with my fishroom is I couldn't angle myself properly. I'd like to try it outside for sure. It would have been awesome to have at the coast.

Thanks guys :wub: She's settled in nicely. She hid in her pot all night last night but today she's livin' large and in charge :nerd:
Thanks Wuv, while I wasn't planning to go by the south side, Keller farms sounds promising. I might have to drop by on my way home or something :shifty:
I'm also hitting up the Dallas World Aquarium on Saturday :D

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