Oddball For My 39gal Community


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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have a 39gal and the most interesting fish i have in there at the moment is a common pleco, could there be an interesting oddball that doesn't grow very big and that wont eat my other fish?

thnx guppy_man
A common pleco is too big for that tank, I am assuming you will be moving it out...My favorite oddball fish are the Bichirs, a Senegal Bichir would be good for your situation, just make sure your other fish arent bite size.
If you do go with upside down cts, bear in mind they're social fish doing best in groups of 3 or more.
You might want to try one of those african butterfly fish. I don't have one myself but I am pretty sure that they would be ok in your tank.
i belive when the butterfly fish gets bigger though up to 4inches it may eat the platties????

I have a butterfly fish with swordtails which spawned, and we had some fry survive, they're not murder on small fish, as long as the fry aren't top swimmers in open water. Butterfly fish appears pretty slow and clumsy, but he's a good oddball
I have a butterfly fish with swordtails which spawned, and we had some fry survive, they're not murder on small fish, as long as the fry aren't top swimmers in open water. Butterfly fish appears pretty slow and clumsy, but he's a good oddball

Is your butterfly fish dead?

IME, Butterfly fish are one of the quickest and most reflexive ambush hunters that I've ever kept (Second only to leaf fish) ;)

An african brown knife (8" max) may do well in your tank guppy man :)
IMO, an ABK would do fine in a tank of at least 3' in length (I assume that Guppy man's tank is 3' long)

They can grow to 8'', but usually stay closer to 6" ;)
My ABK was pretty boring but IME the only fish they can't be kept with is a BGK. They are cool if you don't mind the plainness of their colour.
I think that their sheer oddness will make up for any lack of color. My current ABK is great, always swimming around and interacting with the other fish :)

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