Oddball Advice


New Member
Jun 4, 2011
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can anyone give advice on an oddball I can keep in a 24x12x12 60 litre tank with a yoyo loach (I advice reading my aggresive loach thread!),A fully grown 6 in tiger pleco and 4 zebra danios that I have had for about 2 years and are coming to the end of their life :sad:
I am looking for something between 4-6 inches that isn't to aggresive,still very unusual and can cope with my loach (Or calm him down as he was fine with a pair of rams!)
If they are only two years old they are far from coming to the end of their lives.

Are you wanting a rare species (like uncommon tetras, fancy varieties of swordtails, etc.) or a true oddball (when I think of odd balls I think of bichirs, gars, arowanas, rays, etc.)?
I am wanting a rare species but I wouldn't mind a small oddball like an African butterfly fish,but my tank is two small for gars,birghirs or arowanas but I mught be getting a larger tank soon
I think most good size oddballs will have you danios and maybe even the loach of lunch. something liks Marble hatchets or Golden panchax might work but i wouldnt really class them as oddballs.

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