Odd Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 19, 2005
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ok this question is very strange and im not seriously going to do this just wondering.
could i put a small lobster in my freshwater tank? i do know that lobsters can live in fresh water and im wondering would it eat my fish or make way to much of a mess?
i have an 8 inch severum a 4 inch convict 3 inch pleco and 3 tiger barbs?
The crayfish sold as lobsters in fish stores make excellent pets...when kept in their own tank. I used to have one, and loved it, it was in a little 4 gallon or so (been a while so i don't remember exactly) hex tank. He'd hide under a little fake log, and come out and eat the sinking pellets. But, if you put one in with your other fish, if he can get at the fish, he will.
no i know all abouit crayfish
im talking about a full blown lobster
Red lobster; rock lobster? I would think that those would eat your fish worst than the blue crayfish/lobster. :crazy:
haha like the ones you can buy at a super market..and thats what i though haha
oh welll its fun to dream
You can have it in a species tank by itself like at restaurants... and then feed it fish for treats. :D
Besides, the full size lobsters are coldwater. The ones with claws atleast. Florida lobster are warmer water. But you would need a completely different tank and setup to house real lobsters.

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