I added a new filter with a more powerful flow and spray bar 3 weeks ago. Since then one of my big plecs is never still? He is constantly cruising round the tank, or swimming quickly against the glass, nosing the spray bar and turning over onto his back in the current and swimming in circles (top to bottom). When he does rest its only for about 15-20 mins then he is off again. They are both quite active once the sun goes down (they only have very low lighting in their tank), but the one is on the go all day? I am getting a bit worried as he is loosing weight. I feed them every other day with either pellets, lettuce, potato, ham, chicken and cucumber. I always put two bits (bits being two whole lettuce leaves or half a cucumber) of food in so they dont squabble and the one I am worried about seems to be eating (and pooping) ok. I was just wondering if its all the extra excercise he is getting making him loose weight?
The only thing I have noticed is his "breathing" seems to be faster, but slows right down once he is resting?
The only thing I have noticed is his "breathing" seems to be faster, but slows right down once he is resting?