Odd? Or Not?

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
One of my new fellows, a young syno decorus called JD, has a rather unusual habit. Every evening, now he has settled in, he comes to the front of the 44g he currently resides in (down to minimum lights before complete lights out) and sort of dances on his tail! And swims sorta upright and backwards at the same time. :/ He's perfectly alright. It's obviously deliberate as he swims perfectly naturally at all other times and interacts with the other synos in the tank happily.
It usually goes on for a few minutes then he stops then he'll do it again a little later. Really looks rather sweet but is it something I should be concerned about? Tank params are good (NI 0, AM 0, NA unsure, PH 7.8, temp 26C). It's a Malawi setup with young cichlids (pre-breeding age) and young synos. Their diet is very varied from live through frozen and fresh to flake/pellets. He's tum has rounded nicely (Not fat just not thin as he was b4 I got him home) and his colouration is bright and excellent. He's also very good natured if a little scatty on occassion.

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