Odd... Or Just Chill...?


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
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I have a 20 gallon planted tank with swordtails and 3 upside down catfish.

The past couple weeks, the catfish have been very shy. But one in particular is very weird.

It likes to sit on its side in the corner of the tank wedged into a plant. It just looks very sickly, but behaves fine when it is out.

It just looks odd and I'm wondering if anyone can elaborate about it.

I guess he just has his own personality.

The water quality is fine, nothing out of the ordinary.

Do you have enough hiding spots for all of the cats? That sounds like why he is wedged in the plant.

Other than that, are there any external signs of stress (split fins, gasping, pale color, etc)? Or any signs of disease?

More info will help a lot. :good:
He and his bretheren like to wedge themselves under some slate I have in the tank.

He looks fine. No nipped fins or discoloration.

Another one is always between two pieces of slate, kinda like he is.

I guess he just likes sitting there... it's weird

O'well thanks guys
i have 2 u-d-cats and i forget they're even there!!!!! just live under a plant leaf ocassionally come out for food(i think!!!!) then back under the leaf. what a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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