Odd New Tank Question


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
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My new 29 gallon tank is about a week and a half away from completing its break-in cycle. I have 23 fish
- 2 Bala Sharks
- 6 Neon Tetras
- 2 Black Tetras
- 2 Angle Fish
- 1 Cat Fish
- 1 Agley Eater
- 1 African Dwarf Frog
- 2 Headlight tail lights
- 6 more community fish (Can’t remember what kind)
I know I should have waited until the cycle was done before getting this many fish but I’m impatient. Anyway, I’ve been doing a 25% water change every 2 weeks. I’m planning on changing the filter and using the gravel cleaner next water change. My tank uses a power filter and I happened to take its cover off tonight and found what looked like an oily film with white spots (almost like someone sprinkled flour inside) in it. There is good water flow so I doubt the filter is clogged. Does this have something to do with the bacteria boom? I checked the water quality and everything came back as ideal. Since I was worried about this film I took a plastic spoon and removed the worst of it, but there is still a little there. Does anyone have any input of this?

I've only had 1 fish (Neon) die since the tank was setup in December. I think it was sick since I got it.
ANy input that tank is so overstocked its liek its going to explode. You should really return the balas, and some of the other fish. And wiat for it to cycle! Alos find out what the what the cat fish and the algue eater are because they are many commonly sold that get huge.
I don’t know the cat fish or agley eater exact names but I do know I got the ones that don’t grow to be very big (That’s what the pet store told me). Whenever I bought them they told me that there were two types, one that gets very big and one that doesn’t. Also I thought you could get 1 one inch fish per gallon? Every fish I have is one inch except for the Balas. I’ve been going to a small town pet store and the owner remembers the fish I’ve gotten and he has told me that the majority of them will not grow to be very big, except for the Balas.
One inch of fish per gallon refers to the adult size. If the catfish is one of the smaller ones, like a bristlenose, it will get to 4 or 5 inches as an adult. The angels can get to nearly 12" tall, if raised properly. Anything beyond this is overstocked.

If that algae eater is a chinese algae eater, it will get aggressive as it gets bigger. Neons are the natural food of angels in the wild. If the catfish is a common plec, it has the potential to grow to 18" That frog will get the attention of the angels, and go the same route as the neons.

I don't see how the water quality can be good doing 25% water changes every other week. Actual readings would help.

That oily film probably has to do with a bacterial bloom, bacteria trying to keep up with a tremendous bio load for a new tank. That bio load would be tough on a mature over filtered tank.

The best thing you can do is decide which of those fish you like the best, and trade the rest in. You should trade in at least half, if not 2/3, not even counting the balas. You have to think fish compatability,as well as adult size.

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