Odd growth on a Platy


New Member
Jan 2, 2003
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I've never seen this before. My platy (had him for six months) is starting to get a growth that apeared on both sides of his dorsal fin. It almost looks like a human cold sore. It's isn't causing any discoloration, or wierd behavior at all, and he's eating like a champ. He's in my 44 gal pentagon, and his tankmates include two good size Bozemans, two vailed angels, two glassfish (unpainted), a Pleco, six neons, and seven cory's.

As far as the water goes, i keep it at a constant 76 degrees, i do 20% water changes twice a month, and i havent noticed any changes in the rest of my fish. PH is 7.0, Amonia is at 0.1, nitrites are 0.1, and my nitrates are 4.0. I'm due for a water change on 1-11. Water hardness is 70. The only chemicals i use are Easy balance water conditioner, and stress zyme at water changes. Any idea what it could be?
any better description? I had a variatus platy female with a growth on her tail that turned out to be a foreign object (never figured out what, either a sliver of a pebble or of plastic that may have gotten in the tank. It was small.

Can you describe yours better, or post a pic?
Can't really comment on the "growth" condition at this time.

As ostrow states perhaps a pic if you could get one would help!!

I can suggest you increase your water change regimine though. While I won't say your tank is overstocked, the water values are a little high.

The ammonia and nitrites should be at 0. More frequent water changes will help to lower these two parameters to the point and keep them at 0!!

Maybe go 20% weekly!!

It' really wierd. It is basically two lumps on the body, at the base of the dorsal fin. He is a dark orange color with black fins. The growth is dark black on both sides now. It doesn't look like a piece of gravel or anything, and it's not an open wound i.e scratch, or missing scales. I watched him pretty close last night, and he ate fine, he's real active, and the only odd behavior i see is that he wants to swim, and hang out right beside my glassfish. -_- He's not chasing them, it's like he want's to just thang out with them.

I can't post a pick yet, because i let my pops use my Digital cam, but i should have it back today, so i'll do my best to get picks for tonight.
Thank's Cichlidmaster. I did a water change last night, and my amonia, and nitrites were back down to zero this morning.

I will definatly take your advice on the water changes. Would it be better to do 20% weekly, or stay at bi weekly, and go to 30 or 35%?
Just an example here first...........

I do between 50% and 70% water changes on my tanks, BUT my fish are used to that amount.

I would stick with the 20% and just do weeklies.....Your fish will be better able to handle this rather than increasing the amount of water changed!!

Just to note also....my water change schedule is determined by the stocking levels, species ect. in each particular tank!!

Some fish such as Tanganyikans do not handle large water changes well and therefore get a smaller amount changed more often.

The Malawi's on the other hand can handle massive water changes so they get a larger amount changed a little less frequently.

This also helps to induce spawning in the Malawi's....

Ok. I'll do the stick with 20%, because that's what they are used to. I will try to get you some picks of the Platy tonight so you can see what's going on. :)
Hi guys. Just to update you, my computer went on the fritz, and i couldn't get on for a bit. My platy is now fine. I asked my lfs, and they said that he may have gotten in a tussle, but he will be fine, and the infamous growth has since disapeared. Thank you for your replys, and i will definatly get picks posted soon! :D
Glad to hear your platy has recovered, they are quite a tough fish :)

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