Odd Golden Killifish


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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A long time ago I bought a golden killifish and I loved him in my tank. Now a couple months later my lfs got a new shipment of golden killifish. I didnt want to buy another but... I was looking at them and then I noticed out of the bunch that one of them had black stripes and black spots on his tail. Is this a rare variation of the golden killifish or a different species or what is it?
are you referring to the golden dream panchax killifish, Pachypanchax playfairi? the picture on liveaquaria shows this killi with blue/black stripes on his tail and fins.
Well the store stocked on regular golden killifish, the ones that are just all green with red on the edges of there fins. This new one that I bought was the only one that has kind of like a striped patterning near its tail. This new one has green spots instead of just being completely green. I will post pictures of the new weird one when I get the chance. I might also take a picture of my old normal golden one.

P.S.- It is not Pachypanchax playfairi.
That doesnt really look like him. I got pictures.

Here is the picture of my first golden killifish, the one that is always at my lfs.

I took two pictures of the new killifish I found in the bunch of the normal ones. I took two because one shows the blackish stripes and the other shows his color (couldnt get a pic that showed both of its pattern and color for some reason).

The striped picture.

The colorful picture.
The bottom image is a wild colouration of the Panchax. The Golden Version above is the human bred variety.
The bottom image is a wild colouration of the Panchax. The Golden Version above is the human bred variety.


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