Odd Dragonfly Nymph thing found in aquarium


New Member
Oct 4, 2020
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Hello everyone,

I was doing a water change today when I noticed this insect-like thing on the bottom of the tank. I immediately scooped it up and got rid of it. I also found one exactly like it around a month ago. Does anyone know what this is, and if it's bad for the aquarium? Thanks!

FYI: This is a 10 gallon aquarium with guppies, snails, and a few ghost shrimp


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I think it's the related damselfly nymph. Remove it asap, and any others that you see. They are carnivorous predators and will kill small fish.

The photos aren't very helpful (they've got 'photobucket' stamped across them) but there some info on both dragonfly and damselfly nymphs here
i recently set up a daphnia tank and found a nymph in there after a week ,i would assume that it came in with the live daphnia that i bought to start my stock with
Damselfly Nymph for sure. Best remove it asap itll eat your shrimp and small fish
I had one and it kill at least 6 of my shrimp before I found it and disposed of it. Nasty little killers.
Keep an eye out for more. I introduced them by accident on a plant into my shrimp tank. Caught one then a month later pulled about 10 more out over a week.

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