Odd Behavior


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I think Cloud's having a cow because he knows the snails are living creatures in his tank with him ... he's just swimming around fast, and he'll stare at them, then swim off and go stare at another one.... what's he doing????
-lol- i'm sure he knows they're living creatures, they are exuding smells and chemicals like all animals do. how long have they been in the tank with him because he may just need time to get used to them being around. i'd give it time.
i just put them in about 2 hours ago :) lol i never thought about snails smelling though!

they are awesome little creatures! they are chowing down on that algae :hyper: :good:
he's probably thinkin' what the HECK are those THINGS and why are they in MY tank?! :lol: As for smelly snails, its strange to think of animals smelling underwater since we can't breathe underwater, isn't it?
Also, if you had corydoras or loaches in your tank, they'll come out of hiding when they smell food, even if it's flakes that are being eaten at the surface by the other fish. :p

Has he not trid pecking at the snails at all?
nope, he just swims up to them and looks at them... he's about 1" away- doesn't touch them though. one was even in his "food spot" this morning and he waited til the food came to him rather than bumping the snail out of the way :)
Haha that sounds so cute! Bettas can be adorable little creatures can't they? I have one female that flirts with everything, it's so cute. She'll go up to a random fish, or the side of the tank I'm watching on, and she'll swim around all gracefully like she's showing off.. she's cute and she knows it :)
he is a cutie, and a show off too! and definatly a momma's boy :) (as he only likes my husband when he sees his food in hubby's hand lol)

i changed around his tank yesterday as i had to change a lot of his water coz of the white mystery floating things in his tank, he sat there for a minute after i put him back in the tank and just looked at me like "um... are you sure this is *my* tank?!" watching him re-explore is cute :D
Heh aww. I had my bettas in my big tank with all the other fish until recently, and there's this one big plant in the corner... the male would hide in the plant and if any other fish came near it he'd fly outta there, flare up real quick and then scoot off back into his plant before the other fish even saw him.... it was so hilarious to watch. Or he'd follow a fish around flaring at it (the other fish would go about his business not even noticing I'm sure) and then when the fish would turn around he'd quickly swim back into his plant. He reminded me of one of those little dogs that barks and barks until someone takes a step towards them then they go hide behind someone's legs.. heh.
I have only got small snails in my betta tanks that come in on the weeds, :grr: but the fish follow them round, I suppose it is a bit of company for them. :lol:
I have a couple of apple snails in my tank, and every once in awhile my betta will decide he doesn't like them anymore and will go up to them and flare a few times. The snails couldn't care less, but it keeps him entertained. They're so personable, whenever I go up to the tank he darts to the front and does this little wiggle dance like, "feed me mommy". :wub:
yeah, i get the "feed me, mommy" dance too :lol: he discovered the heater today too- i moved it a bit and he's fallen in love with it all over again.
Hey yea do you know if that's a thing fish do, hang out with the heater when you first get them? I had a couple fish not go more than 2 inches from the heater for the first 3 weeks I had them, I thought it was really odd. My albino rainbow shark didn't leave it for almost 2 months! That just reminded me of that. I assumed they were just hiding but there were plenty of better places to hide in the tank. Maybe they like the extra warmth.. like a blanket :p heh

Back to bettas :) all 3 of mine pile up in the corner of the tank whenever I go near it (which is often cuz it's in the kitchen) hoping I'll feed them. Usually I can't help but throw a lil something in there for them, they're such good beggers..
i have no idea what it is about fish and heaters. Cloud loves his heater, and in the 75 gallon tank the buenos aires tetras converge around the heater when it clicks on- it's really bizarre. maybe they like the warm. maybe it smells good. maybe they are just strange? :lol: who knows.

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