Odd behavior in shubunkin.


Jul 14, 2005
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I have in my 55 gallon one large comet, about 8 " and two shubunkins, one at about 7" and another at about 5".
Here's the pictures.
But anyways, last night I was sitting downstairs and looked over and saw that my large mostly white calico shubunkin was totally vertical with his head pointing down, next to the large orange comet. And when the comet moved up, he/she moved up too. And when the comet moved down, he moved down while still being vertical. What could this mean? Maybe it means nothing, but I just never saw it happen before.
when a female headstands its to stop the male from being able to drive her as she is exhausted but thats not the case with your fish.
having gas does this too believe it or not and something nastier is toxic water, worms or kidney damage. but as you have only seen this once then its not likely to be any of those. maybe its a display from a male to another. if it was a male in breeding condition then you would see little bumps on the gill plates and pectoral fins.
a female is a lot plumper and her vent is larger than the male and turns outwards.

heres a link for you to look at.
After looking into this both shubunkins are females and the large comet is a male. But I knew he was a male but don't remember why I didn't say that. So maybe he was bothering the shubunkin.

Edit- Upon looking I found that there is a calico comet, which is sometimes called a Shubunkin calico comet. Does anyone know anything about this? He looks like this calico comet.
we have the long tailed shubunkin which is the london shubunkin or american which it is sometimes referred to, and then theres the shorter rounded tailed bristol shubunkin.

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